TYPO3 Exception 1233058486¶
Below, the TYPO3 community may have provided additional information or solutions for this exception. However, these may or may not apply to your particular case. If you can provide more information, you should come back here and add your experience and solution steps to this issue once you have resolved it.
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Invalid chars in identifier for the cache-instance¶
Remove or replace the invalid characters from your identifier.
Interface: TYPO3CMSCoreCacheFrontendFrontendInterface¶
const PATTERN_ENTRYIDENTIFIER = '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_%\\-&]{1,250}$/';
Abstract Class: TYPO3CMSCoreCacheFrontendAbstractFrontend¶
public function isValidEntryIdentifier($identifier) {
return preg_match(self::PATTERN_ENTRYIDENTIFIER, $identifier) === 1;
file ext_autoload.php¶
An invalid character in the file ext_autoload.php causes this error message.
return array(
=> $extensionPath . 'Classes/Hooks/Marker.php',
Here a semicolon is wrong at "Marker;". The error message invents a class name of its own. It does not exist anywhere: ..._hooks_marker
'Core: Exception handler (WEB): Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: #1233058486:
\"agency_ttproductsagency_hooks_marker;\" is not a valid cache entry identifier.
| InvalidArgumentException thrown in file
/Cache/Frontend/AbstractFrontend.php in line 85. Requested URL:
EXT:be_acl:: Version 1.7.3 and above¶
From version 1.7.3 on the cache identifier includes the "usergroup_cached_list" of the backend user object. If there are too many usergroups in the list, the string of the cache identifier gets longer than 250 characters. So the validation fails. (See also the constant in the first paragraph).