TYPO3 Exception 1253191060
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Could not get image resource for ...
A ViewHelper tries to load an non-existing image.
The exception is thrown in VHS package.
Try the find the Content Element with the missing file and replace it.
Sometimes a ViewHelper tries to generate an image and pass it to
the image ViewHelper. For example the vhs/
class tries
to generate a file in typo3temp/
Due to wrong access right it was not able to save the
file, passed it to the Image ViewHelper which then raised the exception.
The core ViewHelpers f:image and f:uri.image used to behave the same. However they don't throw exceptions for missing images anymore. See https://forge.typo3.org/issues/71686
Exceptions may be ignored via TypoScript: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/core/Changelog/7.0/Feature-47919-CatchContentRenderingExceptions.html