TYPO3 Exception 1256475113
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The argument "arguments" was registered with type "array", but is of type "string" in view helper
This problem is related to the use of an extended Fluid syntax like this:
<a href="{be:moduleLink(route:'system_reports',arguments:{action:'detail', extension:extensionKey, report:reportName})}">
In some versions of PHP, there is a PCRE bug with the underlying
A possible fix (for the example above) is to enclose the array arguments with single quotes like that:
<a href="{be:moduleLink(route:'system_reports',arguments:'{action:\'detail\', extension:extensionKey, report:reportName}')}">
This effectively forces Fluid to extract the content of the single quotes with a simpler regular expression instead of a recursive one.
The argument does not follow the Fluid array syntax.
<f:render section="someSection" arguments="foo: {someVariable}" />
<f:render section="someSection" arguments="{foo: someVariable}" />
Another possible cause of this error may be a PHP-configuration problem: PHP 7.3.14:
pcre.jit = 1
jit (Just in time compiler) had to be enabled in my installation.