TYPO3 Exception 1318283565
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Login into TYPO3 is not possible anymore, as no OpenSSL backend for rsaauth is available.
- Activate and configure (on Windows) the PHP module openssl
to use theopenssl
executable insidelocalconf.
php - Set
to the executable. E.g.CONF_ VARS ['SYS'] ['bin Setup'] 'openssl=C:/ ... /
openssl. exe' - If your path to
contains blanks, make sure to quote theexe openssl
parameter, e.g.'openssl="C:/ ... /
openssl. exe"'
- Set
- Set
to 'normal' instead of 'rsa' (replaceCONF_ VARS [TYPO3_ mode] ['login Security Level'] TYPO3_
with BE or FE) and set the hash of your user account's password to the md5 hashed value of your password. This way you can at least access your installation. Please be aware that this is a bad idea and disabling rsaauth/saltedpasswords results in all your passwords being unusable, until openssl is available.mode
Windows 7 and Xampp
Assuming you installed Xampp into C:
- Activate the PHP module openssl in
. Look for this line:xamppphpphp. ini
- Load
module as well. Look for this line and uncomment it:
- Add an environment variable
with valueCONF" C:
. Press "Win + PAUSE" to go to the System window. In the left sidebar are the system settings.xamppapacheconfopenssl. cnf -
Either set
toCONF_ VARS ['SYS'] ['bin Setup'] 'openssl=C:\
or appendxampp\ apache\ bin\ openssl. exe' C:\
to the environment variablexampp\ apache\ bin PATH
(will work for every PHP script not only TYPO3)- If your path to
contains blanks, make sure to quote the openssl parameter, e.g.exe 'openssl="C:/ ... /
openssl. exe"'
- If your path to
- Restart Apache
- If Apache won't start, deactivate the apache ssl module (php has its
own) in
like so:xamppapacheconfhttpd. conf
#LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so
and near the end of the file:
#Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
- Copy
andddl ssleay32.
fromdll C:
toxamppphp\ C:
Helpful links (German)
Helpful links (English)
Solution for Windows 10 with XAMPP
I have a 64-bit Windows 10 laptop upon which I installed XAMPP and TYPO3 v8.7.10. For days I struggled with the following message during TYPO3 install cited as a catastrophic failure under "System Environment" evaluations:
PHP OpenSSL extension not working Something went wrong while trying to create a new private key for testing. Please check the integration of the PHP OpenSSL extension and if it is installed correctly.
Finally, after trying all kind of OpenSSL-related installation verifications, I found a solution at this link ... https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4719939/xampp-openssl-errors-when-calling-openssl-pkey-new?rq=1 ...
At the bottom it said; "...start apache using the xampp/apache_start.bat NOT THE XAMPP CONTROL PANEL (its strange that when started from the control panel it doesn't work [maybe a current directory problem])".
After launching apache with xampp/
, I could launch
everything else (esp. MySQL) using the XAMPP Control Panel, which did
detect Apache was already running. Next, I returned to TYPO3 8.7.10
install checks, and the OpenSSL problem was gone!
I do not know what is the difference (directory spec or what?) between
XAMPP Control Panel and xampp/