TYPO3 Exception 1540246570

TYPO3 13.4: No Content Object definition found [21.10.2024]

This error happens when you did not include the Site set "Fluid Styled Content" but try to use a content element provided by this system extension.

Solution: Require the site set in your site configuration: Using a site set as dependency in a site or depend on it from your site packages site set: Defining the site set with a fluid_styled_content dependency.

Is there a problem with the plugin ?

It happens when a content element of type plugin is created and then you forget to choose the specific Plugin from the tab 'Plug-in'

Occures if you pass the wrong pluginType to TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::configurePlugin(...).

TYPO3 12 - General Plugin: No Content Object definition found at TypoScript object path "tt_content.list.20

If your extension is a general plugin, check if it is properly installed (and activated for legacy installations) and the required TypoScript included. Otherwise proceed as follows.

tt_content.php adds the plugin by


However the tt_content TypoScript for the list type is not added if you look into the Active TypoScript in the backend. The extension TypoScript is like this:

plugin.tx_myextension {
    controller.action = EXTBASEPLUGIN


Always add the TypoScript for the tt_content list rendering.


tt_content.list.20 {
    tx_myextension_controllers_action = < plugin.tx_myextension.controller.action

You have removed Typoscript by Conditon?

For example you have used this:

[globalVar = TSFE:id = {$noLoginPluginOnPids}]

lib.login >


This will lead to this Exception since TYPO3 LTS 9 if you use something like the next line in your Fluid Template <f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.login" />


change typoscript to:

[globalVar = TSFE:id = {$noLoginPluginOnPids}]

lib.login =


Exception is thrown in a fluid template using a view helper

Might be caused by a translation not found in Fluid:

<f:translate key = "Button_Helpful" />

If translation key is not found in the default language file, this error will be thrown.


add a default text to the tag and also fix the language file.

The error does not occur when you use the Fluid lanuage tag with a path:

<f:translate key = "LLL:EXT:yourExtension/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xml:Button_Helpful" />