TYPO3 Exception 1690365240

TYPO3 12.4.16 - 04.07.2024

Installation Overview

<f:link.action> Viewhelper in Standalone View (Email)

The Issue

The error comes when trying to send an email.


I solved this by setting standaloneView->setRequest, however this method is internal.

use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\RequestInterface;

public function sendEmail(RequestInterface $request, ...): bool
    // Set sender to default value

Using the internal method setRequest() on the StandaloneView is currently the best option.

Another solution would be provide the fully build links as variable assignments to the view.

See also: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76473242/typo3-12-lts-fluid-the-rendering-context-of-viewhelper-furi-page-is-missing-a