Simple use

The most basic use is when you just want an object that handles a given service type:

if (is_object($serviceObject = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstanceService('textLang'))) {
        $language = $serviceObject->guessLanguage($text);

In this example a service of type “textLang” is requested. If such a service is indeed available an object will be returned. Then the guessLanguage() - which would be part of the “textLang” service type public API - is called.

There’s no certainty that an object will be returned, for a number of reasons:

  • there might be no service of the requested type installed
  • the service deactivated itself during registration because it recognized it can’t run on your platform
  • the service was deactivated by the system because of certain checks
  • during initialization the service checked that it can’t run and deactivated itself

Note that when a service is requested, the instance created is stored in a global registry. If that service is requested again during the same code run, the stored instance will be returned instead of a new one. More details in Service API.

If several services are available, the one with the highest priority (or quality if priority are equals) will be used.

It is also possible to get an instance of a specific service by requesting its key directly instead of just requesting a service type. The call would then look something like:

if (is_object($serviceObject = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstanceService('tx_myservice_sv1'))) {
        // Do something with the object