
There are several ways to install Surf:

  1. Download phar archive
  2. Global composer installation
  3. Local composer installation
  4. Building a Surf phar from source

Download phar archive

To install Surf as phar archive, run the following commands:

mkdir /usr/local/surf
curl -L -o /usr/local/surf/surf.phar
chmod +x /usr/local/surf/surf.phar
ln -s /usr/local/surf/surf.phar /usr/local/bin/surf

You may need extended privileges e.g. sudo.

This way, you can add /usr/local/surf to PHP Include Paths in your IDE.

Upgrading Surf

Later, to upgrade Surf, run the command:

surf self-update

Global composer installation

To install Surf globally via composer, run the following command:

composer global require typo3/surf:^3.6

This way, you can add ~/.composer/vendor/typo3/surf to PHP Include Paths in your IDE.

Local composer installation

To install Surf within your project via composer, run the following command:

composer require typo3/surf:^3.6

The advantage of this method is that you can directly inspect the source files of surf without any further configuration in your IDE.

Building a Surf phar from source

Surf is built using humbug/box and the process is simple:

  • Install humbug/box as described in its documentation
  • Clone or download the desired branch of typo3/surf
  • cd your/surf/folder
  • composer install --no-dev
  • path/to/box compile

The generated surf.phar in the folder release should work as expected.