
QFQ Report Keywords

See QFQ Keywords (Bodytext).

QFQ content element

The QFQ extension is activated through tt-content records. One or more tt-content records per page are necessary to render forms and reports. Specify column and language per content record as wished.

The title of the QFQ content element will not be rendered. It’s only visible in the backend for orientation of the webmaster.

To display a report on any given TYPO3 page, create a content element of type ‘QFQ Element’ (plugin) on that page.

A simple example

Assume that the database has a table person with columns firstName and lastName. To create a simple list of all persons, we can do the following:

10.sql = SELECT firstName, lastName FROM Person

The ‘10’ indicates a root level of the report (see section Structure). The expression ‘10.sql’ defines an SQL query for the specific level. When the query is executed, it will return a result having one single column name containing first and last name separated by a space character.

The HTML output, displayed on the page, resulting from only this definition, could look as follows:


I.e., QFQ will simply output the content of the SQL result row after row for each single level.

Format output: mix style and content

Variant 1: pure SQL

To format the upper example, just create additional columns:

10.sql = SELECT firstName, ", ", lastName, "<br>" FROM Person

HTML output:

Doe, John<br>
Miller, Jane<br>
Star, Frank<br>
Variant 2: SQL plus QFQ helper

QFQ provides several helper functions to wrap rows and columns, or to separate them. E.g. fsep stands for field separate and rend for row end:

10.sql = SELECT firstName, lastName FROM Person
10.fsep = ', '
10.rend = <br>

HTML output:

Doe, John<br>
Miller, Jane<br>
Star, Frank<br>

Check out all QFQ helpers under QFQ Keywords (Bodytext).

Due to mixing style and content, this becomes harder to maintain with more complex layout.

Format output: separate style and content

The result of the query can be passed to the Twig template engine in order to fill a template with the data.:

10.sql = SELECT firstName, lastName FROM Person
10.twig = {% for row in result %}
    {{ row.lastName }}, {{ row.firstName }<br />
{% endfor %}

HTML output:

Doe, John<br>
Miller, Jane<br>
Star, Frank<br>

Check out Using Twig.

Syntax of report

All root level queries will be fired in the order specified by ‘level’ (Integer value).

For each row of a query (this means all queries), all subqueries will be fired once.

  • E.g. if the outer query selects 5 rows, and a nested query select 3 rows, than the total number of rows are 5 x 3 = 15 rows.

There is a set of variables that will get replaced before (‘count’ also after) the SQL-Query gets executed:

Variables from specific stores.

{{<name>:R}} - use case of the above generic definition. See also Access column values.

Similar to {{<name>:R}} but more specific. There is no sanitize class, escape mode or default value.

See QFQ Keywords (Bodytext) for a full list.

See Variable for a full list of all available variables.

Different types of SQL queries are possible: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SHOW, REPLACE

Only SELECT and SHOW queries will fire subqueries.

Processing of the resulting rows and columns:

  • In general, all columns of all rows will be printed out sequentially.

  • On a per column base, printing of columns can be suppressed by starting the column name with an underscore ‘_’. E.g. SELECT id AS _id.

    This might be useful to store values, which will be used later on in another query via the {{id:R}} or {{<level>.columnName}} variable. To suppress printing of a column, use a underscore as column name prefix. E.g. SELECT id AS _id

Reserved column names have a special meaning and will be processed in a special way. See Processing of columns in the SQL result for details.

There are extensive ways to wrap columns and rows. See Wrapping rows and columns: Level

Using Twig

How to write Twig templates is documented by the Twig Project.

QFQ passes the result of a given query to the corresponding Twig template using the Twig variable result. So templates need to use this variable to access the result of a query.

Specifying a Template

By default the string passed to the twig-key is used as template directly, as shown in the simple example above:

10.twig = {% for row in result %}
    {{ row.lastName }}, {{ row.firstName }<br />
{% endfor %}

However, if the string starts with file:, the template is read from the file specified.:

10.twig = file:table_sortable.html.twig

The file is searched relative to <site path> and if the file is not found there, it’s searched relative to QFQ’s twig_template folder where the included base templates are stored.

The following templates are available:

A basic table with column headers, sorting and column filters using tablesorter and bootstrap.
A template to display the values of a single record in a vertical table.

Json Decode

A String can be JSON decoded in Twig the following way:

{% set decoded = '["this is one", "this is two"]' | json_decode%}

This can then be used as a normal object in Twig:

{{ decoded[0] }}

will render this is one.

Available Store Variables

QFQ also provides access to the following stores via the template context.

  • record
  • sip
  • typo3
  • user
  • system
  • var

All stores are accessed using their lower case name as attribute of the context variable store. The active Typo3 front-end user is therefore available as:

{{ store.typo3.feUser }}


The following block shows an example of a QFQ report.

10.sql selects all users who have been assigned files in our file tracker.

10.10 then selects all files belonging to this user, prints the username as header and then displays the files in a nice table with links to the files.

10.sql = SELECT assigned_to AS _user FROM FileTracker
            WHERE assigned_to IS NOT NULL
            GROUP BY _user
            ORDER BY _user

10.10.sql = SELECT id, path_scan FROM FileTracker
WHERE assigned_to = '{{user:R}}'
10.10.twig = <h2>{{ store.record.user }}</h2>
<table class="table table-hover tablesorter" id="{{pageAlias:T}}-twig">
  {% for row in result %}
      <td>{{ }}</td>
      <td>{{ ("d:|M:pdf|s|t:"~ row.path_scan ~"|F:" ~ row.path_scan ) | qfqlink }}</td>
  {% endfor %}

Debug the bodytext

The parsed bodytext could be displayed by activating ‘showDebugInfo’ (Debug) and specifying:

debugShowBodyText = 1

A small symbol with a tooltip will be shown, where the content record will be displayed on the webpage. Note: Debug information will only be shown with showDebugInfo: yes in Configuration.

Inline Report editing

For quick changes it can be bothersome to go to the TYPO3 backend to update the page content and reload the page. For this reason, QFQ offers an inline report editing feature whenever there is a TYPO3 BE user logged in. A small link symbol will appear on the right-hand side of each report record. Please note that the TYPO3 Frontend cache is also deleted upon each inline report save.

In order for the inline report editing to work, QFQ needs to be able to access the T3 database. This database is assumed to be accessible with the same credentials as specified with indexQfq.


A report can be divided into several levels. This can make report definitions more readable because it allows for splitting of otherwise excessively long SQL queries. For example, if your SQL query on the root level selects a number of person records from your person table, you can use the SQL query on the second level to look up the city where each person lives.

See the example below:

10.sql = SELECT id AS _pId, CONCAT(firstName, " ", lastName, " ") AS name FROM Person
10.rsep = <br>

10.10.sql = SELECT CONCAT(postal_code, " ", city) FROM Address WHERE pId = {{10.pId}}
10.10.rbeg = (
10.10.rend = )

This would result in:

John Doe (3004 Bern)
Jane Miller (8008 Zürich)
Frank Star (3012 Bern)

Text across several lines

To get better human readable SQL queries, it’s possible to split a line across several lines. Lines with keywords are on their own (QFQ Keywords (Bodytext) start a new line). If a line is not a ‘keyword’ line, it will be appended to the last keyword line. ‘Keyword’ lines are detected on:

  • <level>.<keyword> =
  • {
  • <level>[.<sub level] {


10.sql = SELECT 'hello world'
           FROM Mastertable
10.tail = End

20.sql = SELECT 'a warm welcome'
           'some additional', 'columns'
           FROM AnotherTable
           WHERE id>100

20.head = <h3>
20.tail = </h3>

Join mode: SQL

This is the default. All lines are joined with a space in between. E.g.:

10.sql = SELECT 'hello world'
           FROM Mastertable

Results to: 10.sql = SELECT 'hello world' FROM Mastertable

Notice the space between “…world’” and “FROM …”.

Join mode: strip whitespace

Ending a line with a \ strips all leading and trailing whitespaces of that line joins the line directly (no extra space in between). E.g.:

10.sql = SELECT 'hello world', 'd:final.pdf \
                                |p:id=export  \
                                |t:Download' AS _pdf \

Results to: 10.sql = SELECT 'hello world', 'd:final.pdf|p:id=export|t:Download' AS _pdf

Note: the \ does not force the joining, it only removes the whitespaces.

To get the same result, the following is also possible:

10.sql = SELECT 'hello world', CONCAT('d:final.pdf'
                                '|t:Download') AS _pdf

Nesting of levels

Levels can be nested. E.g.:

10 {
  sql = SELECT ...
  5 {
      sql = SELECT ...
      head = ...

This is equal to:

10.sql = SELECT ...
10.5.sql = SELECT ...
10.5.head = ...

Leading / trailing spaces

By default, leading or trailing whitespaces are removed from strings behind ‘=’. E.g. ‘rend = test ‘ becomes ‘test’ for rend. To prevent any leading or trailing spaces, surround them by using single or double ticks. Example:

10.sql = SELECT name FROM Person
10.rsep = ' '
10.head = "Names: "

Braces character for nesting

By default, curly braces ‘{}’ are used for nesting. Alternatively angle braces ‘<>’, round braces ‘()’ or square braces ‘[]’ are also possible. To define the braces to use, the first line of the bodytext has to be a comment line and the last character of that line must be one of ‘{[(<’. The corresponding braces are used for that QFQ record. E.g.:

# Specific code. >
10 <
  sql = SELECT
  head = <script>
         data = [
             10, 20

Per QFQ tt-content record, only one type of nesting braces can be used.

Be careful to:

  • write nothing else than whitespaces/newline behind an open brace

  • the closing brace has to be alone on a line:

    10.sql = SELECT 'Yearly Report'
    20 {
          sql = SELECT companyName FROM Company LIMIT 1
          head = <h1>
          tail = </h1>
    30 {
          sql = SELECT depName FROM Department
          head = <p>
          tail = </p>
          5 {
                sql = SELECT 'detailed information for department'
                1.sql = SELECT name FROM Person LIMIT 7
                1.head = Employees:
    30.5.tail = More will follow
           sql = SELECT 'A query with braces on their own'

Access column values

Columns of the upper / outer level result can be accessed via variables in two ways

  • STORE_RECORD: {{pId:R}}
  • Level Key: {{10.pId}}

The STORE_RECORD will always be merged with previous content. The Level Keys are unique.


Multiple columns, with the same column name, can’t be accessed individually. Only the last column is available.


Retrieving the final value of Special column names is possible via ‘{{&<column>:R}} (there is an ‘&’ direct behind ‘{{‘)


10.sql = SELECT 'p:home&form=Person|s|b:success|t:Edit' AS _link
10.20.sql = SELECT '{{link:R}}', '{{&link:R}}'

The first column of row 10.20 returns p:home&form=Person|s|b:success|t:Edit,the second column returns ‘<span class=”btn btn-success”><a href=”?home&s=badcaffee1234”>Edit</a></span>’.


10.sql= SELECT AS _pId, FROM Person AS p
10.5.sql = SELECT, 'dummy' AS _pId FROM Address AS adr WHERE adr.pId={{pId:R}}
10.5.20.sql = SELECT '{{pId:R}}'
10.10.sql = SELECT '{{pId:R}}'

The line ‘10.10’ will output ‘dummy’ in cases where there is at least one corresponding address. If there are no addresses (all persons) it reports the person id. If there is at least one address, it reports ‘dummy’, cause that’s the last stored content.

Example ‘level’:

10.sql= SELECT AS _pId, FROM Person AS p
10.5.sql = SELECT, 'dummy' AS _pId FROM Address AS adr WHERE adr.pId={{10.pId}}
10.5.20.sql = SELECT '{{10.pId}}'
10.10.sql = SELECT '{{10.pId}}'

Notes to the level:

Levels A report is divided into levels. The Example has levels 10, 20, 30, 30.5, 30.5.1, 50
Qualifier A level is divided into qualifiers 30.5.1 has 3 qualifiers 30, 5, 1
Root levels Is a level with one qualifier. E.g.: 10
Sub levels Is a level with more than one qualifier. E.g. levels 30.5 or 30.5.1
Child The level 30 has one child and child child: 30.5 and 30.5.1
Example 10, 20, 30, 50* are root level and will be completely processed one after each other. 30.5 will be executed as many times as 30 has row numbers. 30.5.1 will be executed as many times as 30.5 has row numbers.

Report Example 1:

# Displays current date

# Show all students from the person table
20.sql = SELECT AS pId, p.firstName, " - ", p.lastName FROM Person AS p WHERE p.typ LIKE "student"

# Show all the marks from the current student ordered chronological
20.25.sql = SELECT e.mark FROM Exam AS e WHERE e.pId={{20.pId}} ORDER BY

# This query will never be fired, cause there is no direct parent called 20.30.
20.30.10.sql = SELECT 'never fired'

Wrapping rows and columns: Level

Order and nesting of queries, will be defined with a TypoScript-alike syntax:

level.sublevel1.subsublevel2. ...
  • Each ‘level’ directive needs a final key, e.g: 20.30.10. sql.
  • A key sql is necessary in order to process a level.

See all QFQ Keywords (Bodytext).

Processing of columns in the SQL result

  • The content of all columns of all rows will be printed sequentially, without separator (except one is defined).
  • Rows with Special column names will be rendered internally by QFQ and the QFQ output of such processing (if there is any) is taken as the content.

Special column names


Twig: respect that the ‘special column name’-columns are rendered before Twig becomes active. The recommended way by using Twig is not to use special column names at all. Use the Twig version qfqLink.

QFQ don’t care about the content of any SQL-Query - it just copy the content to the output (=Browser).

One exception are columns, whose name starts with ‘_’. E.g.:

10.sql = SELECT 'All', 'cats' AS red, 'are' AS _green, 'grey in the night' AS _link
  • The first and second column are regular columns. No QFQ processing.

  • The third column (alias name ‘green’) is no QFQ special column name, but has an ‘_’ at the beginning: this column content will be hidden.

  • The fourth column (alias name ‘link’) uses a QFQ special column name. Here, only in this example, it has no further meaning.

  • All columns in a row, with the same special column name (e.g. ... AS _page) will have the same column name: ‘page’. To access individual columns a uniq column title is necessary and can be added ...|column1:

    10.sql = SELECT '..1..' AS '_page|column1', '..2..' AS '_page|column2'

    Those columns can be accessed via {{column1:R}} , {{column2:R}} (recommended) or {{10.column1}} , {{10.column2}}.

  • To skip wrapping via fbeg, fsep, fend for dedicated columns, add the keyword |_noWrap to the column alias. Example:

    10.sql = SELECT 'world' AS 'title|_noWrap'



  • For ‘special column names’: the column name together with the value controls how QFQ processes the column.
  • Special column names always start with ‘_’.
  • Important: to reference a column, the name has to be given without ‘_’. E.g. SELECT 'cat' AS _pet will be used with {{pet:R}} (notice the missing ‘_’).
  • Columns starting with a ‘_’ but not defined as as QFQ special column name are hidden(!) - in other words: they are not printed as output.
  • Tip: if a column name starts with ‘_’ the column name becomes ‘_….’ - which will be hidden! To be safe: always define an alias!
  • Access to ‘hidden’ columns via {{<level>.<column>}} or {{<column>:R}} are possible and often used.
Reserved column name Purpose
_link Column: _link - Build links with different features.
_pageX or _PageX Columns: _page[X] - Shortcut version of the link interface for fast creation of internal links. The column name is composed of the string page/Page and a optional character to specify the type of the link.
_download Download - single file (any type) or concatenate multiple files (PDF, ZIP)
_pdf, _file, _zip _Pdf, _File, _Zip Column: _pdf | _file | _zip - Shortcut version of the link interface for fast creation of Download links. Used to offer single file download or to concatenate several PDFs and printout of websites to one PDF file.
_savePdf Column: _savePdf - pre render PDF files
_excel Excel export - creates Excel exports based on QFQ Report queries, optional with pre uploaded Excel template files
_yank Copy to clipboard. Shortcut version of the link interface
_mailto Column: _mailto - Build email links. A click on the link will open the default mailer. The address is encrypted via JS against email bots.
_sendmail Column: _sendmail - Send emails.
_exec Column: _exec - Run batch files or executables on the webserver.
_script Column: _script - Run php function defined in an external script.
_vertical Column: _vertical - Render Text vertically. This is useful for tables with limited column width.
_img Column: _img - Display images.
_bullet Display a blue/gray/green/pink/red/yellow bullet. If none color specified, show nothing.
_check Display a blue/gray/green/pink/red/yellow checked sign. If none color specified, show nothing.
_nl2br All newline characters will be converted to <br>.
_striptags HTML Tags will be stripped.
_htmlentities Characters will be encoded to their HTML entity representation.
_fileSize Show file size of a given file
_mimeType Show mime type of a given file
_thumbnail thumbnail - Create thumbnails on the fly. See Column: _thumbnail.
_monitor Column: _monitor - Constantly display a file. See Column: _monitor.
_XLS Used for Excel export. Append a newline character at the end of the string. Token must be part of string. See Excel export.
_XLSs Used for Excel export. Prepend the token ‘s=’ and append a newline character at the string. See Excel export.
_XLSb Used for Excel export. Like ‘_XLSs’ but encode the string base64. See Excel export.
_XLSn Used for Excel export. Prepend ‘n=’ and append a newline character around the string. See Excel export.
_noWrap Skip wrapping via fbeg, fsep, fend.
_hide Hide a column with a special column name (like ... AS _link). Note: regular columns should be hidden by using ‘_’ as the first letter of the column name.
_+<html-tag attributes> The content will be wrapped with ‘<html-tag attributes>’. Example: SELECT 'example' AS '_+a href=""' creates '<a href="">example</a>'
_=<varname> The content will be saved in store ‘user’ under ‘varname’. Retrieve it later via {{varname:U}}. Example: 'SELECT "Hello world" AS _=text'. See Store: USER - U, STORE_USER examples
_<nonReservedName> Suppress output. Column names with leading underscore are used to select data from the database and make it available in other parts of the report without generating any output.
_formJson System internal. Return form with given id as json string. (SELECT ‘fid:<formId>[|reduce][|b64]’ AS _formJson). Flag reduce filters out ‘modified’, ‘created’ as well as keys which hold default values. Flag b64 encodes the json string in base 64.

Render mode

The following table might be hard to read - but it’s really useful to understand. It solves a lot of different situations. If there are no special condition (like missing value, or suppressed links), render mode 0 is sufficient. But if the URL text is missing, or the URL is missing, OR the link should be rendered in sql row 1-10, but not 5, then render mode might dynamically control the rendered link.

  • Column Mode is the render mode and controls how the link is rendered.
Mode Given: url & text Given: only url Given: only text Description
0 (default) <a href=url>text</a> <a href=url>url</a>   text or image will be shown, only if there is a url, page or mailto
1 <a href=url>text</a> <a href=url>url</a> text text or image will be shown, independently of whether there is a url or not
2 <a href=url>text</a>     no link if text is empty
3 text url text
no link, only text or image, incl. Optional tooltip. For Bootstrap buttons
r:3 will set the button to disable and no link/sip is rendered.
4 url url text no link, show text, if text is empty, show url, incl. optional tooltip
5       nothing at all
6 pure text   pure text no link, pure text
7 pure url pure url   no link, pure url
8 pure sip pure sip   no link, no html, only the 13 digit sip code.


10.sql = SELECT CONCAT('u:', p.homepage, IF(p.showHomepage='yes', '|r:0', '|r:5') ) AS _link FROM Person AS p


An easy way to switch between different options of rendering a link, incl. Bootstrap buttons, is to use the render mode.

  • no render mode or ‘r:0’ - the full functional link/button.
  • ‘r:3’ - the link/button is rendered with text/image/glyph/tooltip … but without a HTML a-tag! For Bootstrap button, the button get the ‘disabled’ class.
  • ‘r:5’ - no link/button at all.

Alert: Question


q[:<alert text>[:<level>[:<positive button text>[:<negative button text>[:<timeout>[:<flag modal>]]]]]]
  • If a user clicks on a link, an alert is shown. If the user answers the alert by clicking on the ‘positive button’, the browser opens the specified link. If the user click on the negative answer (or waits for timout), the alert is closed and the browser does nothing.
  • All parameter are optional.
  • Parameter are separated by ‘:’
  • To use ‘:’ inside the text, the colon has to be escaped by . E.g. ‘ok\ : I understand’.
Parameter Description
Text The text shown by the alert. HTML is allowed to format the text. Any ‘:’ needs to be escaped. Default: ‘Please confirm’.
Level success, info, warning, danger
Positive button text Default: ‘Ok’
Negative button text Default: ‘Cancel’. To hide the second button: ‘-’
Timeout in seconds 0: no timeout, >0: after the specified time in seconds, the alert will dissapear and behaves like ‘negative answer’
Flag modal 0: Alert behaves not modal. 1: (default) Alert behaves modal.


SQL-Query Result
SELECT “p:form_person|q:Edit Person:warn” AS _link Shows alert with level ‘warn’
SELECT “p:form_person|q:Edit Person::I do:No way” AS _link Instead of ‘Ok’ and ‘Cancel’, the button text will be ‘I do’ and ‘No way’
SELECT “p:form_person|q:Edit Person:::10” AS _link The Alert will be shown 10 seconds
SELECT “p:form_person|q:Edit Person:::10:0” AS _link The Alert will be shown 10 seconds and is not modal.

Columns: _page[X]

The colum name is composed of the string page and a trailing character to specify the type of the link.


10.sql = SELECT "[options]" AS _page[<link type>]

with: [options] = [p:<page & param>][|t:<text>][|o:<tooltip>][|q:<question parameter>][|c:<class>][|g:<target>][|r:<render mode>]

<link type> = c,d,e,h,i,n,s
column name Purpose default value of question parameter Mandatory parameters
_page Internal link without a grafic empty p:<pageId/pageAlias>[&param]
_pagec Internal link without a grafic, with question Please confirm! p:<pageId/pageAlias>[&param]
_paged Internal link with delete icon (trash) Delete record ?
U:form=<formname>&r=<record id> or
U:table=<tablename>&r=<record id>
_pagee Internal link with edit icon (pencil) empty p:<pageId/pageAlias>[&param]
_pageh Internal link with help icon (question mark) empty p:<pageId/pageAlias>[&param]
_pagei Internal link with information icon (i) empty p:<pageId/pageAlias>[&param]
_pagen Internal link with new icon (sheet) empty p:<pageId/pageAlias>[&param]
_pages Internal link with show icon (magnifier) empty p:<pageId/pageAlias>[&param]
  • All parameter are optional.
  • Optional set of predefined icons.
  • Optional set of dialog boxes.
Parameter Description Default value Example
<page> TYPO3 page id or page alias. The current page: {{pageId}} 45 application application&N_param1=1045
<text> Text, wrapped by the link. If there is an icon, text will be displayed to the right of it. empty string  
<tooltip> Text to appear as a ToolTip empty string  
<question> If there is a question text given, an alert will be opened. Only if the user clicks on ‘ok’, the link will be called Expected “=” to follow “see”  
<class> CSS Class for the <a> tag    
<target> Parameter for HTML ‘target=’. F.e.: Opens a new window empty P
<render mode> Show/render a link at all or not. See Render mode    
<create sip> s   ‘s’: create a SIP

Column: _paged

These column offers a link, with a confirmation question, to delete one record (mode ‘table’) or a bunch of records (mode ‘form’). After deleting the record(s), the current page will be reloaded in the browser.


10.sql = SELECT "U:table=<tablename>&r=<record id>|q:<question>|..." AS _paged
10.sql = SELECT "U:form=<formname>&r=<record id>|q:<question>|..." AS _paged

If the record to delete contains column(s), whose column name match on %pathFileName% and such a column points to a real existing file, such a file will be deleted too. If the table contains records where the specific file is multiple times referenced, than the file is not deleted (it would break the still existing references). Multiple references are not found, if they use different colummnnames or tablenames.

Mode: table

  • table=<table name>
  • r=<record id>

Deletes the record with id ‘<record id>’ from table ‘<table name>’.

Mode: form

  • form=<form name>
  • r=<record id>

Deletes the record with id ‘<record id>’ from the table specified in form ‘<form name>’ as primary table. Additional action FormElement of type beforeDelete or afterDelete will be fired too.


10.sql = SELECT 'U:table=Person&r=123|q:Do you want delete John Doe?' AS _paged
10.sql = SELECT 'U:form=person-main&r=123|q:Do you want delete John Doe?' AS _paged

Columns: _Page[X]

  • Similar to _page[X]
  • Parameter are position dependent and therefore without a qualifier!
"[<page id|alias>[&param=value&...]] | [text] | [tooltip] | [question parameter] | [class] | [target] | [render mode]" as _Pagee.

Column: _Paged

  • Similar to _paged
  • Parameter are position dependent and therefore without a qualifier!
"[table=<table name>&r=<record id>[&param=value&...] | [text] | [tooltip] | [question parameter] | [class] | [render mode]" as _Paged.
"[form=<form name>&r=<record id>[&param=value&...] | [text] | [tooltip] | [question parameter] | [class] | [render mode]" as _Paged.

Column: _vertical

Use instead Table: vertical column title


The ‘… AS _vertical’ is deprecated - do not use it anymore.

Render text vertically. This is useful for tables with limited column width. The vertical rendering is achieved via CSS tranformations (rotation) defined in the style attribute of the wrapping tag. You can optionally specify the rotation angle.


10.sql = SELECT "<text>|[<angle>]" AS _vertical
Parameter Description Default value
<text> The string that should be rendered vertically. none
<angle> How many degrees should the text be rotated? The angle is measured clockwise from baseline of the text. 270

The text is surrounded by some HTML tags in an effort to make other elements position appropriately around it. This works best for angles close to 270 or 90.

Minimal Example

10.sql = SELECT "Hello" AS _vertical
20.sql = SELECT "Hello|90" AS _vertical
20.sql = SELECT "Hello|-75" AS _vertical

Column: _mailto

Easily create Email links.


10.sql = SELECT "<email address>|[<link text>]" AS _mailto
Parameter Description Default value
<emailaddress> The email address where the link should point to. none
<linktext> The text that should be displayed on the website and be linked to the email address. This will typically be the name of the recipient. If this parameter is omitted, the email address will be displayed as link text. none

Minimal Example

10.sql = SELECT "" AS _mailto

Advanced Example

10.sql = SELECT "|John Doe" AS _mailto

Column: _sendmail


    [|A:<flag autosubmit: on/off>][|g:<grId>][|x:<xId>][|y:<xId2>][|z:<xId3>][|h:<mail header>]
    [|e:<subject encode: encode/decode/none>][E:<body encode: encode/decode/none>][|mode:html]
    [|C][d:<filename of the attachment>][|F:<file to attach>][|u:<url>][|p:<T3 uri>]

The following parameters can also be written as complete words for ease of use:

    [|autosubmit:<on/off>][|grid:<grid>][|xid:<xId>][|xid2:<xId2>][|xid3:<xId3>][|header:<mail header>]

Send emails. Every mail will be logged in the table mailLog. Attachments are supported.


10.sql = SELECT "||s:Reminder tomorrow|b:Please dont miss the meeting tomorrow" AS _sendmail
10.sql = SELECT "||s:Reminder tomorrow|b:Please dont miss the meeting tomorrow|A:off|g:1|x:2|y:3|z:4" AS _sendmail
short / long
Parameter Description Required
email FROM: Sender of the email. Optional: ‘realname <>’ yes
email[,email] TO: Comma separated list of receiver email addresses. Optional: realname <> yes
email[,email] CC: Comma separated list of receiver email addresses. Optional: ‘realname <>’ yes
email[,email] BCC: Comma separated list of receiver email addresses. Optional: ‘realname <>’ yes
REPLY-TO:email Reply-to: Email address to reply to (if different from sender) yes
Subject Subject: Subject of the email yes
Body Body: Message - see also: html-formatting yes
Mail header Custom mail header: Separate multiple header with \r\n yes
F Attach file Attachment: File to attach to the mail. Repeatable.  
u Attach created PDF of a given URL Attachment: Convert the given URL to a PDF and attach it the mail. Repeatable.  
p Attach created PDF of a given T3 URL Attachment: Convert the given URL to a PDF and attach it the mail. Repeatable.  
d Filename of the attachment Attachment: Useful for URL to PDF converted attachments. Repeatable.  
C Concat multiple F|p|u| together
Attachment: All following (until the next ‘C’) ‘F|p|u’ concatenated to one attachment.
flagAutoSubmit ‘on’ / ‘off’ If ‘on’ (default), add mail header ‘Auto-Submitted: auto-send’ - suppress OoO replies yes
grId Will be copied to the mailLog record. Helps to setup specific logfile queries yes
xId Will be copied to the mailLog record. Helps to setup specific logfile queries yes
xId2 Will be copied to the mailLog record. Helps to setup specific logfile queries yes
xId3 Will be copied to the mailLog record. Helps to setup specific logfile queries yes
e encode|decode|none Subject: will be htmlspecialchar() encoded, decoded (default) or none (untouched)  
E encode|decode|none Body: will be htmlspecialchar() encoded, decoded (default) or none (untouched).  
mode html Body: will be send as a HTML mail.  
  • e|E: By default, QFQ stores values ‘htmlspecialchars()’ encoded. If such values have to send by email, the html entities are unwanted. Therefore the default setting for ‘subject’ und ‘body’ is to decode the values via ‘htmlspecialchars_decode()’. If this is not wished, it can be turned off by e=none and/or E=none.

Minimal Example

10.sql = SELECT "||s:Latest News|b:The new version is now available." AS _sendmail

This will send an email with subject Latest News from to

Advanced Examples

10.sql = SELECT ",Firstname Lastname <>, Firstname Lastname <>| \\
       |s:Latest News|b:The new version is now available.||A:on|g:101|x:222||" AS _sendmail

This will send an email with subject Latest News from to customer1, customer2 and customer3 by using a realname for customer2 and customer3 and suppress generating of OoO answer if any receiver is on vacation. Additional the CEO as well as backup will receive the mail via CC and BCC.

For debugging, please check Redirect all mail to (catch all).

Mail Body HTML Formatting

In order to send an email with HTML formatting, such as bold text or bullet lists, specify ‘mode=html’. The subsequent contents will be interpreted as HTML and is rendered correctly by most email programs.


The following options are provided to attach files to an email:

Token Example Comment
F F:fileadmin/file3.pdf Single file to attach
u… A URL, will be converted to a PDF and than attached.
p p:?id=export&r=123&_sip=1 A SIP protected local T3 page. Will be converted to a PDF and than attached.
d d:myfile.pdf Name of the attachment in the email.
C C|u:|F:file1.pdf|C|F:file2.pdf Concatenate all named sources to one PDF file. The souces has to be PDF files or a web page, which will be converted to a PDF first.

Any combination (incl. repeating them) are possible. Any source will be added as a single attachment.

Optional any number of sources can be concatenated to a single PDF file: ‘C|F:<file1>|F:<file2>|p:export&a=123’.

Examples in Report:

# One file attached.
10.sql = SELECT "||s:Latest News|b:The new version is now available.|F:fileadmin/summary.pdf" AS _sendmail

# Two files attached.
10.sql = SELECT "||s:Latest News|b:The new version is now available.|F:fileadmin/summary.pdf|F:fileadmin/detail.pdf" AS _sendmail

# Two files and a webpage (converted to PDF) are attached.
10.sql = SELECT "||s:Latest News|b:The new version is now available.|F:fileadmin/summary.pdf|F:fileadmin/detail.pdf|p:?id=export&r=123|d:person.pdf" AS _sendmail

# Two webpages (converted to PDF) are attached.
10.sql = SELECT "||s:Latest News|b:The new version is now available.|p:?id=export&r=123|d:person123.pdf|p:?id=export&r=234|d:person234.pdf" AS _sendmail

# One file and two webpages (converted to PDF) are *concatenated* to one PDF and attached.
10.sql = SELECT "||s:Latest News|b:The new version is now available.|C|F:fileadmin/summary.pdf|p:?id=export&r=123|p:?id=export&r=234|d:complete.pdf" AS _sendmail

# One T3 webpage, protected by a SIP, are attached.
10.sql = SELECT "||s:Latest News|b:The new version is now available.|p:?id=export&r=123&_sip=1|d:person123.pdf" AS _sendmail

Column: _img

Renders images. Allows to define an alternative text and a title attribute for the image. Alternative text and title text are optional.

  • If no alternative text is defined, an empty alt attribute is rendered in the img tag (since this attribute is mandatory in HTML).
  • If no title text is defined, the title attribute will not be rendered at all.


10.sql = SELECT "<path to image>|[<alt text>]|[<title text>]" AS _img
Parameter Description Default value/behaviour
<pathtoimage> The path to the image file. none
<alttext> Alternative text. Will be displayed if image can’t be loaded (alt attribute of img tag). empty string
<titletext> Text that will be set as image title in the title attribute of the img tag. no title attribute rendered

Minimal Example

10.sql = SELECT "fileadmin/img/img.jpg" AS _img

Advanced Examples

10.sql = SELECT "fileadmin/img/img.jpg|Aternative Text" AS _img            # alt="Alternative Text, no title
20.sql = SELECT "fileadmin/img/img.jpg|Aternative Text|" AS _img           # alt="Alternative Text, no title
30.sql = SELECT "fileadmin/img/img.jpg|Aternative Text|Title Text" AS _img # alt="Alternative Text, title="Title Text"
40.sql = SELECT "fileadmin/img/img.jpg|Alternative Text" AS _img           # alt="Alternative Text", no title
50.sql = SELECT "fileadmin/img/img.jpg" AS _img                            # empty alt, no title
60.sql = SELECT "fileadmin/img/img.jpg|" AS _img                           # empty alt, no title
70.sql = SELECT "fileadmin/img/img.jpg||Title Text" AS _img                # empty alt, title="Title Text"
80.sql = SELECT "fileadmin/img/img.jpg||" AS _img                          # empty alt, no title

Column: _exec

Run any command on the web server.

  • The command is run via web server, so with the uid of the web server.

  • The current working directory is the current web instance (e.g. /var/www/html) .

  • All text send to ‘stdout’ will be returned.

  • Text send to ‘stderr’ is not returned at all.

  • If ‘stderr’ should be shown, redirect the output:

    SELECT 'touch /root 2>&1' AS _exec
  • If ‘stdout’ / ‘stderr’ should not be displayed, redirect the output:

    SELECT 'touch /tmp >/dev/null' AS _exec
    SELECT 'touch /root 2>&1 >/dev/null' AS _exec
  • Multiple commands can be concatenated by ;:

    SELECT 'date; date' AS _exec
  • If the return code is not 0, the string ‘[<rc>] ‘, will be prepended.

  • If it is not wished to see the return code, just add true to fake rc of 0 (only the last rc will be reported):

    SELECT 'touch /root; true' AS _exec


Parameter Description Default value
<command> The command that should be executed on the server. none

Minimal Examples

10.sql = SELECT "ls -s" AS _exec
20.sql = SELECT "./" AS _exec

Column: _script

Run a php function defined in an external script.

  • All column parameters are passed as an associative array to the function as the first argument.
  • The second argument (here called $qfq) is an object which acts as an interface to QFQ functionality (see below).
  • The current working directory inside the function is the current web instance (e.g. location of index.php).
    • Hint: Inside the script dirname(__FILE__) gives the path of the script.
  • All output (e.g. using echo) will be rendered by the special column as is.
  • If the function returns an associative array, then the key-value pairs will be accessible via the VARS store `V`.
  • If the function throws an exception then a standard QFQ error message is shown.
  • Text sent to ‘stderr’ by the php function is not returned at all.
  • The script has access to the following qfq php functions using the interface (see examples below):
    • $qfq::apiCall($method, $url, $data = ‘’, $header = [], $timeout = 5)
      • arguments:
        • string $method: can be PUT/POST/GET/DELETE
        • string $url
        • string $data: a json string which will be added as GET parameters or as POST fields respectively.
        • array $header: is of the form [‘Content-type: text/plain’, ‘Content-length: 100’]
        • int $timeout: is the number of seconds to wait until call is aborted.
      • return array:
        • [0]: Http status code
        • [1]: API answer as string.
    • $qfq::getVar($key, $useStores = ‘FSRVD’, $sanitizeClass = ‘’, &$foundInStore = ‘’, $typeMessageViolate = ‘c’)
      • arguments:
        • string $key: is the name of qfq variable
        • string $useStores: are the stores in which variable is searched (in order from left to right). see Store.
        • string $sanitizeClass: (see Sanitize class)
        • string $foundInStore: is filled with the name of the store in which the variable was found.
        • string $typeMessageViolate: defines what to return if the sanitize class was violated:
          • ‘c’ : returns ‘!!<sanitize class>!!’
          • ‘0’ : returns ‘0’
          • ‘e’ : returns ‘’
      • return string|false:
        • The value of the variable if found.
        • A placeholder if the variable violates the sanitize class. (see argument $typeMessageViolate)
        • false if the variable was not found.

Column Parameters

Token Example Comment
F F:fileadmin/scripts/my_script.php Path to the custom script relative to the current web instance
call call:my_function PHP function to call
arg arg:a1=Hello&a2=World Arguments are parsed and passed to the function together with the other parameters


  • QFQ report

    5.sql = SELECT "IAmInRecordStore" AS _savedInRecordStore
    10.sql = SELECT "F:fileadmin/scripts/my_script.php|call:my_function|arg:a1=Hello&a2=World" AS _script
    20.sql = SELECT "<br><br>Returened value: {{IAmInVarStore:V:alnumx}}"
  • PHP script (fileadmin/scripts/my_script.php)

     function my_function($param, $qfq) {
         echo 'The first argument contains all attributes including "F" and "c":<br>';
         echo '<br><br>get variable from record store:<br>';
         print_r($qfq::getVar('savedInRecordStore', 'RE'));
         echo '<br><br>Make API call:<br>';
         list($http_code, $answer) = $qfq::apiCall('GET', '');
         echo 'Http code: ' . $http_code;
         // Returned array fills VARS store
         return ["IAmInVarStore" => "FooBar"];
  • Output

    The first argument contains all parameters including "F", "call" and "arg":
    Array ( [a1] => Hello [a2] => World [F] => fileadmin/scripts/my_script.php [call] => my_function [arg] => a1=Hello&a2=World )
    get variable from record store:
    Make API call:
    Http code: 301
    Returened value: FooBar

Column: _pdf | _file | _zip

Detailed explanation: Download

Most of the other Link-Class attributes can be used to customize the link.

10.sql = SELECT "[options]" AS _pdf, "[options]" AS _file, "[options]" AS _zip

with: [options] = [d:<exportFilename][|p:<params>][|U:<params>][|u:<url>][|F:file[:path/file in zip]][|t:<text>][|a:<message>][|o:<tooltip>][|c:<class>][|r:<render mode>]
  • Parameter are position independent.

  • <params>: see Parameter and (element) sources

  • For column _pdf and _zip, the element sources p:..., U:..., u:..., F:... might repeated multiple times.

  • For column _zip, an optional parameter might define the path and filename inside the ZIP: F:<orig filename>:<inside ZIP path and filename>

  • To only render the page content without menus add the parameter type=2. For example: U:id=pageToPrint&type=2&_sip=1&r=',

  • Example:

    # ... AS _file
    10.sql = SELECT "F:fileadmin/test.pdf" as _pdf
    20.sql = SELECT "p:id=export&r=1" as _pdf
    30.sql = SELECT "t:Download PDF|F:fileadmin/test.pdf" as _pdf
    40.sql = SELECT "t:Download PDF|p:id=export&r=1" as _pdf
    50.sql = SELECT "d:complete.pdf|t:Download PDF|F:fileadmin/test1.pdf|F:fileadmin/test2.pdf" as _pdf
    60.sql = SELECT "d:complete.pdf|t:Download PDF|F:fileadmin/test.pdf|p:id=export&r=1|" AS _pdf
    # ... AS _file
    100.sql = SELECT "F:fileadmin/test.pdf" as _file
    110.sql = SELECT "p:id=export&r=1" as _file
    120.sql = SELECT "t:Download PDF|F:fileadmin/test.pdf" as _file
    130.sql = SELECT "t:Download PDF|p:id=export&r=1" as _file
    # ... AS _zip
    200.sql = SELECT "F:fileadmin/test.pdf" as _zip
    210.sql = SELECT "p:id=export&r=1" as _zip
    220.sql = SELECT "t:Download ZIP|F:fileadmin/test.pdf" as _zip
    230.sql = SELECT "t:Download ZIP|p:id=export&r=1" as _zip
    # Several files
    240.sql = SELECT "|t:Download ZIP|F:fileadmin/test1.pdf|F:fileadmin/test2.pdf" as _zip
    # Several files with new path/filename
    250.sql = SELECT "|t:Download ZIP|F:fileadmin/test1.pdf:data/file-1.pdf|F:fileadmin/test2.pdf:data/file-2.pdf" as _zip

Column: _savePdf

Generated PDFs can be stored directly on the server with this functionality. The link query consists of the following parameters:

  • One or more element sources (such as F:, U:, p:, see Parameter and (element) sources), including possible wkhtmltopdf parameters
  • The export filename and path as d: - for security reasons, this path has to start with fileadmin/ and end with .pdf.


  • Please note that this option does not render anything in the front end, but is executed each time it is parsed. You may want to add a check to prevent multiple execution.
  • It is not advised to generate the filename with user input for security reasons.
  • If the target file already exists it will be overwriten. To save individual files, choose a new filename, for example by adding a timestamp.


SELECT "d:fileadmin/result.pdf|F:fileadmin/_temp_/test.pdf" AS _savePdf
SELECT "d:fileadmin/result.pdf|F:fileadmin/_temp_/test.pdf|U:id=test&--orientation=landscape" AS _savePdf

Column: _thumbnail

For file T:<pathFileName> a thumbnail will be rendered, saved (to be reused) and a HTML <img> tag is returned, With the SIP encoded thumbnail.

The thumbnail:

  • Size is specified via W:<dimension>. The file is only rendered once and subsequent access is delivered via a local QFQ cache.
  • Will be rendered, if the source file is newer than the thumbnail or if the thumbnail dimension changes.
  • The caching is done by building the MD5 of pathFileName and thumbnail dimension.
  • Of multi page files like PDFs, the first page is used as the thumbnail.

All file formats, which ‘convert’ ImageMagick ( supports, can be used. Office file formats are not supported. Due to speed and quality reasons, SVG files will be converted by inkscape. If a file format is not known, QFQ tries to show a corresponding file type image provided by Typo3 - such an image is not scaled.

In Configuration the exact location of convert and inkscape can be configured (optional) as well as the directory names for the cached thumbnails.

Token Example Comment
T T:fileadmin/file3.pdf File render a thumbnail
W W:200x, W:x100, W:200x100 Dimension of the thumbnail: ‘<width>x<height>. Both parameter are otional. If non is given the default is W:150x
s s:1, s:0 Optional. Default: s:1. If SIP is enabled, the rendered URL is a link via api/download.php?... Else a direct pathFileName.
r r:7 Render Mode. Default ‘r:0’. With ‘r:7’ only the url will be delivered.

The render mode ‘7’ is useful, if the URL of the thumbnail have to be used in another way than the provided html-‘<img>’ tag. Something like <body style="background-image:url(bgimage.jpg)"> could be solved with SELECT "<body style="background-image:url(", 'T:fileadmin/file3.pdf' AS _thumbnail, ')">'


# SIP protected, IMG tag, thumbnail width 150px
10.sql = SELECT 'T:fileadmin/file3.pdf' AS _thumbnail

# SIP protected, IMG tag, thumbnail width 50px
20.sql = SELECT 'T:fileadmin/file3.pdf|W:50' AS _thumbnail

# No SIP protection, IMG tag, thumbnail width 150px
30.sql = SELECT 'T:fileadmin/file3.pdf|s:0' AS _thumbnail

# SIP protected, only the URL to the image, thumbnail width 150px
40.sql = SELECT 'T:fileadmin/file3.pdf|s:1|r:7' AS _thumbnail


By default, the thumbnail directories are never cleaned. It’s a good idea to install a cronjob which purges all files older than 1 year:

find /path/to/files -type f -mtime +365 -delete


Public thumbnails are rendered at the time when the T3 QFQ record is executed. Secure thumbnails are rendered when the ‘download.php?s=…’ is called. The difference is, that the ‘public’ thumbnails blocks the page load until all thumbnails are rendered, instead the secure thumbnails are loaded asynchonous via the browser - the main page is already delivered to browser, all thumbnails appearing after a time.

A way to pre render thumbnails, is a periodically called (hidden) T3 page, which iterates over all new uploaded files and triggers the rendering via column _thumbnail.

Thumbnail: secure

Mode ‘secure’ is activated via enabling SIP (s:1, default). The thumbnail is saved under the path thumbnailDirSecure as configured in Configuration.

The secure path needs to be protected against direct file access by the webmaster / webserver configuration too.

QFQ returns a HTML ‘img’-tag:

<img src="api/download.php?s=badcaffee1234">

Thumbnail: public

Mode ‘public’ has to be explicit activated by specifying s:0. The thumbnail is saved under the path thumbnailDirPublic as configured in Configuration.

QFQ returns a HTML ‘img’-tag:

<img src="{{thumbnailDirPublic:Y}}/<md5 hash>.png">

Column: _monitor

Detailed explanation: Monitor


10.sql = SELECT 'file:<filename>|tail:<number of last lines>|append:<0 or 1>|interval:<time in ms>|htmlId:<id>' AS _monitor
Parameter Description Default value/behaviour
<filename> The path to the file. Relative to T3 installation directory or absolute. none
<tail> Number of last lines to show 30
<append> 0: Retrieved content replaces current. 1: Retrieved content will be added to current. 0
<htmlId> Reference to HTML element to whose content replaced by the retrieve one. monitor-1

Copy to clipboard

Token Example Comment
y[:<content>] y, y:some content Initiates ‘copy to clipboard’ mode. Source might given text or page or url
F:<pathFileName> F:fileadmin/protected/data.R pathFileName in DocumentRoot


10.sql = SELECT 'y:hello world (yank)|t:content direct (yank)' AS _yank
                , 'y:hello world (link)|t:content direct (link)' AS _link
                , CONCAT('F:', p.pathFileName,'|t:File (yank)|o:', p.pathFileName) AS _yank
                , CONCAT('y|F:', p.pathFileName,'|t:File (link)|o:', p.pathFileName) AS _link
            FROM Person AS p

API Call QFQ Report (e.g. AJAX)


QFQ Report functionality protected by SIP offered to simple API calls: typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Api/dataReport.php?s=....

  • General use API call to fire a specific QFQ tt-content record. Useful for e.g. AJAX calls. No Typo3 is involved. No FE-Group access control.
  • This defines just a simple API endpoint. For defining a rest API see: REST.
  • Custom response headers can be defined by setting the variable apiResponseHeader in the record store.
    • Multiple headers should be separated by n or rn. e.g.: Content-Type: application/jsonncustom-header: fooBar
  • If the api call succeeds the rendered content of the report is returned as is. (no additional formatting, no JSON encoding)
  • If a QFQ error occurs then a http-status of 400 is returned together with a JSON encoded response of the form: {“status”:”error”, “message”:”…”}

Example QFQ record JS (with tt_content.uid=12345):

5.sql = SELECT "See console log for output"

# Register SIP with given arguments.
10.sql = SELECT 'U:uid=12345&arg1=Hello&arg2=World|s|r:8' AS '_link|col1|_hide'

# Build JS
10.tail = <script>
    console.log('start api request');
    url: 'typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Api/dataReport.php?s={{&col1:RE}}',
    data: {arg3:456, arg4:567},
    method: 'POST',
    dataType: 'TEXT',
    success: function(response, status, jqxhr) {console.log(response); console.log(jqxhr.getAllResponseHeaders());},
    error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {console.log(jqXHR.responseText, textStatus, errorThrown);}

Example QFQ record called by above AJAX:

# Create a dedicated tt-content record (on any T3 page, might be on the same page as the JS code).
# The example above assumes that this record has the tt_content.uid=12345.
render = api
10.sql = SELECT '{{arg1:S}} {{arg2:S}} {{arg3:C}} {{arg4:C}}', NOW()
, 'Content-Type: application/json\ncustom-header: fooBar' AS _apiResponseHeader

Example text returned by the above AJAX call:

Hello World 456 5672020-09-22 18:09:47

REST Client


POST and GET data to external REST interfaces or other API services.

Access to external services via HTTP / HTTPS is triggered via special column name restClient. The received data might be processed in subsequent calls.


# Retrieve information. Received data is delivered in JSON and decoded / copied on the fly to CLIENT store (CLIENT store is emptied beforehand)
10.sql = SELECT 'n:https://www.dummy.ord/rest/person/id/123' AS _restClient
20.sql = SELECT 'Status: {{http-status:C}}<br>Name: {{name:C:alnumx}}<br>Surname: {{surname:C:alnumx}}'

# Simple POST request via https. Result is printed on the page.
10.sql = SELECT 'n:https://www.dummy.ord/rest/person/id/123|method:POST|content:{"name":"John";"surname":"Doe"}' AS _restClient
Token Example | Comment
n n:https://www.dummy.ord/rest/person |
method method:POST GET, POST, PUT or DELETE
content content:{“name”:”John”;”surname”:”Doe”} Depending on the REST server JSON might be expected
header see below  
timeout timeout:5 Default: 5 seconds.


  • Each header must be separated by \r\n or n.
  • An explicit given header will overwrite the named default header.
  • Default header:
    • content-type: application/json - if content starts with a {.
    • content-type: text/plain - if content does not start with a {.
    • connection: close - Necessary for HTTP 1.1.

Result received

  • After a REST client call is fired, QFQ will wait up to timeout seconds for the answer.
  • By default, the whole received answer will be shown. To suppress the output: ... AS '_restClient|_hide'
  • The variable {{http-status:C}} shows the `HTTP status code<>`_. A value starting with ‘2..’ shows success.
  • In case of an error, {{error-message:C:allbut}} shows some details.
  • In case the returned answer is a valid JSON string, it is flattened and automatically copied to STORE_CLIENT with corresponding key names.
    • NOTE: The CLIENT store is emptied beforehand!

JSON answer example:

Answer from Server:  { 'name' : 'John', 'address' : {'city' : 'Bern'} }
Retrieve the values via:  {{name:C:alnumx}}, {{city:C:alnumx}}

Special SQL Functions (prepared statements)

QBAR: Escape QFQ Delimiter

The SQL function QBAR(text) replaces “|” with “\|” in text to prevent conflicts with the QFQ special column notation. In general this function should be used when there is a chance that unplanned ‘|’-characters occur.


10.sql = SELECT CONCAT('p:notes|t:Information: ', QBAR(Note.title), '|b') AS _link FROM Note

In case ‘Note.title’ contains a ‘|’ (like ‘fruit | numbers’), it will confuse the ‘… AS _link’ class. Therefore it’s necessary to ‘escape’ (adding a ‘’ in front of the problematic character) the bar which is done by using QBAR().

QCC: Escape colon / coma

The SQL function QCC(text) replaces “:” with “\:” and “,” with “\,” in text to prevent conflicts with the QFQ notation.

QNL2BR: Convert newline to HTML ‘<br>’

The SQL function QNL2BR(text) replaces LF or CR/LF by <br>. This can be used for data (containing LF) to output on a HTML page with correctly displayed linefeed.


10.sql = SELECT QNL2BR(Note.title) FROM Note

One possibility how LF comes into the database is with form elements of type textarea if the user presses enter inside.

QMORE: Truncate Long Text - more/less

The SQL function QMORE(text, n) truncates text if it is longer than n characters and adds a “more..” button. If the “more…” button is clicked, the whole text is displayed. The stored procedure QMORE() will inject some HTML/CSS code.


10.sql = SELECT QMORE("This is a text which is longer than 10 characters", 10)


This is a `more..`

QIFEMPTY: if empty show token

The SQL function QIFEMPTY(input, token) returns ‘token’ if ‘input’ is ‘empty string’ / ‘0’ / ‘0000-00-00’ / ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’.


10.sql = SELECT QIFEMPTY('hello world','+'), QIFEMPTY('','-')


hello world-

QDATE_FORMAT: format a timestamp, show ‘-’ if empty

The SQL function QDATE_FORMAT(timestamp) returns ‘ hh:mm’, if ‘timestamp’ is 0 returns ‘-’


10.sql = SELECT QDATE_FORMAT( '2019-12-31 23:55:41' ), ' / ', QDATE_FORMAT( 0 ), ' / ', QDATE_FORMAT( '' )


31.12.2019 23:55 / - / -

QSLUGIFY: clean a string

Convert a string to only use alphanumerical characters and ‘-’. Characters with accent will be replaced without the accent. Non alphanumerical characters are stripped off. Spaces are replaced by ‘-’. All characters are lowercase.


10.sql = SELECT QSLUGIFY('abcd ABCD ae.ä.oe.ö.ue.ü z[]{}()<>.,?Z')



QENT_SQUOTE: convert single tick to HTML entity &apos;

Convert all single ticks in a string to the HTML entity “&apos;”


10.sql = SELECT QENT_SQUOTE("John's car")


John&apos;s car

QENT_DQUOTE: convert double tick to HTML entity &quot;

Convert all double ticks in a string to the HTML entity “&quot;”


10.sql = SELECT QENT_SQUOTE('A "nice" event')


A &quot;nice&quot; event

QESC_SQUOTE: escape single tick

Escape all single ticks with a backslash. Double escaped single ticks (two backslashes) will be replaced by a single escaped single tick.


Be = "Rock'n' Roll"
10.sql = SELECT QESC_SQUOTE(style) FROM Music


Rock\'n\'n Roll

QESC_SQUOTE: escape double tick

Escape all double ticks with a backslash. Double escaped double ticks (two backslashes) will replaced by a single escaped double tick.


Set Comment.note = 'A "nice" event'
10.sql = SELECT QESC_DQUOTE(style) FROM Music


Rock\'n\'n Roll

strip_tags: strip html tags

The SQL function strip_tags(input) returns ‘input’ without any HTML tags.


10.sql = SELECT strip_tags('<a href=""><b>my name</b> <i>is john</i></a> - end of sentence')


my name is john - end of sentence

QFQ Function

QFQ SQL reports can be reused, similar to a function in a regular programming language, including call parameter and return values.

  • Per tt-content record the field ‘subheader’ (in Typo3 backend) defines the function name. The function can also referenced by using the tt-content number (uid) - but this is less readable.
  • The calling report calls the function by defining <level>.function = <function name>(var1, var2, ...) => return1, return2, ...
  • STORE_RECORD will be saved before calling the function and will be restored when the function has been finished.
  • The function has only access to STORE_RECORD variables which has been explicitly defined in the braces (var1, var2, …).
  • The function return values will be copied to STORE_RECORD after the function finished.
  • Inside the QFQ function, all other STORES are fully available.
  • If <level>.function and <level>.sql are both given, <level>.function is processed first.
  • If <level>.function is given, but <level>.sql not, the values of shead, stail, althead are even processed.
  • If a function outputs something, this is not shown.
  • The output of a QFQ function is accessible via {{_output:R}}.
  • It is possible to call functions inside of a function.
  • If render = api is defined in the function, both tt-content records can be saved on the same page and won’t interfere.
  • FE Groups are not respected - don’t use them on QFQ functions.

Example tt-content record for the function:

Subheader: getFirstName
      # {{pId:R}}
      render = api

      100 {
      sql = SELECT p.firstName AS _firstName
                   , NOW() AS now
                   , CONCAT('p:{{pageAlias:T}}&form=person&r=', ) AS '_pagee|_hide|myLink'
              FROM Person AS p

Example tt-content record for the calling report:

# Example how to use `<level>.function = ...`

10 {
    sql = SELECT AS _pId, FROM Person AS p ORDER BY
    head = <table class="table"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Firstname</th><th>Link (final)</th><th>Link (source)</th><th>NOW() (via Output)</th></tr>
    tail = </table>
    rbeg = <tr>
    renr = </tr>
    fbeg = <td>
    fend = </td>

    20 {
        function = getFirstName(pId) => firstName, myLink

    30 {
        sql = SELECT '{{firstName:R}}', "{{myLink:R}}", "{{&myLink:R}}", '{{_output:R}}'
        fbeg = <td>
        fend = </td>


  • Level 10 iterates over all person.
  • Level 10.20 calls QFQ function getFirstName() by delivering the pId via STORE_RECORD. The function expects the return value firstName and myLink.
  • The function selects in level 100 the person given by {{pId:R}}. The firstName is not printed but a hidden column. Column now is printed. Column ‘myLink’ is a rendered link, but not printed.
  • Level 10.30 prints the return values firstName and myLink (as rendered link and as source definition). The last column is the output of the function - the value of NOW()

If there are STORE_RECORD variables which can’t be replaced: typically they have been not defined as function parameter or return values.


Mode Security Note
Direct File access
Files are public available. No access restriction
Pro: Simple, links can be copied.
Con: Directory access, guess of filenames, only
removing the file will deny access.
Use <a href="...">
Merge multiple sources: no
Custom ‘save as filename’: no
Persistent Link
Access is be defined by a SQL statement. In *T3/BE
> Extension > QFQ > File > download* define a SQL
Pro: speaking URL, link can be copied, access can
can be defined a SQL statement.
Con: Key might be altered by user, permission
can’t be user logged in dependent.
Use ..., 'd:1234|s:0' AS _link
Merge multiple sources: yes
Custom ‘save as filename’: yes
Secure Link
Default. SIP protected link.
Pro: Parameter can’t be altered, most easy definition
in QFQ, access might be logged in user dependent.
Cons: Links are assigned to a browser session and
can’t be copied
Use ..., 'd|F:file.pdf' AS _link
Merge multiple sources: yes
Custom ‘save as filename’: yes

The rest of this section applies only to Persistent Link and Secure Link. Download offers:

  • Single file - download a single file (any type),
  • PDF create - one or concatenate several files (uploaded) and/or web pages (=HTML to PDF) into one PDF output file,
  • ZIP archive - filled with several files (‘uploaded’ or ‘HTML to PDF’-converted).
  • Excel - created from scratch or fill a template xlsx with database values.

By using the _link column name:

  • the option d:... initiate creating the download link and optional specifies
    • in SIP mode: an export filename (),
    • in persistent link mode: path download script (optional) and key(s) to identify the record with the PathFilename information (see below).
  • the optional M:... (Mode) specifies the export type (file, pdf, zip, export),
  • the alttext a:... specifies a message in the download popup.

By using _pdf, _Pdf, _file, _File, _zip, _Zip, _excel as column name, the options d, M and s will be set.

All files will be read by PHP - therefore the directory might be protected against direct web access. This is the preferred option to offer secure downloads via QFQ. Check `secure-direct-file-access`_.

Parameter and (element) sources

  • mode secure link (s:1) - download: d[:<exportFilename>]

    • exportFilename = <filename for save as> - Name, offered in the ‘File save as’ browser dialog. Default: ‘output.<ext>’.

      If there is no exportFilename defined, then the original filename is taken (if there is one, else: output…).

      The user typically expects meaningful and distinct file names for different download links.

  • mode persistent link (s:0) - download: d:[<path/name>]<key1>[/<keyN>]

    This setup is divided in part a) and b):

    Part a) - offering the download link.

    • The whole part a) is optional. The download itself will work without it.
    • (Optional) path/name = of the QFQ download.php script. By default``typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Api/download.php``. Three further possibilities: dl.php or dl2.php or dl3.php (see below).
    • key1 = give a uniq identifier to select the wished record.

    Part b) - process the download

    • In the QFQ extension config: File > Query for direct download mode: download.php or dl.php or dl2.php or dl3.php up to 4 different SQL statements can be given with the regular QFQ download link syntax (skip the visual elements like button, text, glyph icon, question,…):

      SELECT CONCAT('d|F:', n.pathFileName) FROM Note AS n WHERE

      All ? in the SQL statement will be replaced by the specified parameter. If there are more ? than parameter, the last parameter will be reused for all pending ?.

      E.g. 10.sql = SELECT 'd:1234|t:File.pdf' AS _link creates a link <a href="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Api/download.php/1234"><span class="btn btn-default">File.pdf</span></span>. If the user clicks on the link, QFQ will extract the 1234 argument and via download.php the query (defined in the Typo QFQ extension config) will be prepared and fires SELECT CONCAT('d|F:', n.pathFileName, '|t:File.pdf') FROM Note AS n WHERE The download of the file, specified by n.pathFileName, will start.

      If no record ist selected, a custom error will be shown. If the query selectes more than one record, a general error will be shown.

      If one of dl.php or dl2.php or dl3.php should be used, please initially create the symlink(s), e.g. in the application directory (same level as typo3conf) ln -s typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Api/download.php dl.php (or, dl3.php).

    Speaking URL)

    Instead of using a numeric value reference key, also a text can be used. Always take care that exactly one record is selected. The key is transferred by URL therefore untrusted: The sanitize class alnumx is applied. Example:

    Query: SELECT CONCAT('d|F:', n.pathFileName) FROM Person AS p WHERE AND p.firstName=? AND p.publish='yes'
  • popupMessage: a:<text> - will be displayed in the popup window during download. If the creating/download is fast, the window might disappear quickly.

  • mode: M:<mode>

    • mode = <file | pdf | zip | excel>
      • If M:file, the mime type is derived dynamically from the specified file. In this mode, only one element source is allowed per download link (no concatenation).
      • In case of multiple element sources, only pdf, zip and excel (template mode) is supported.
      • If M:zip is used together with p:…, U:… or u:.., those HTML pages will be converted to PDF. Those files get generic filenames inside the archive.
      • If not specified, the default ‘Mode’ depends on the number of specified element sources (=file or web page):
        • If only one file is specified, the default is file.
        • If there is a) a page defined or b) multiple elements, the default is pdf.
  • element sources - for M:pdf or M:zip, all of the following element sources may be specified multiple times. Any combination and order of these options are allowed.

    • file: F:<pathFileName> - relative or absolute pathFileName offered for a) download (single), or to be concatenated in a PDF or ZIP.

    • page: p:id=<t3 page>&<key 1>=<value 1>&<key 2>=<value 2>&...&<key n>=<value n>.

      • By default, the options given to wkhtml will not be encoded by a SIP!

      • To encode the parameter via SIP: Add ‘_sip=1’ to the URL GET parameter.

        E.g. p:id=form&_sip=1&form=Person&r=1.

        In that way, specific sources for the download might be SIP encrypted.

      • Any current HTML cookies will be forwarded to/via wkhtml. This includes the current FE Login as well as any QFQ session. Also the current User-Agent are faked via the wkhtml page request.

      • If there are trouble with accessing FE_GROUP protected content, please check wkhtmltopdf.

    • url: u:<url> - any URL, pointing to an internal or external destination.

    • uid: uid:<function name> - the output is treated as HTML (will be converted to PDF) or EXCEL data.

      • The called tt-content record is identified by function name, specified in the subheader field. Optional the numeric id of the tt-content record (=uid) can be given.
      • Only the specified QFQ content record will be rendered, without any Typo3 layout elements (Menu, Body,…)
      • QFQ will retrieve the tt-content’s bodytext from the Typo3 database, parse it, and render it as a PDF or Execl data.
      • Parameters can be passed: uid:<tt-content record id>[&arg1=value1][&arg2=value2][...] and will be available via STORE_SIP in the QFQ PageContent, or passed as wkhtmltopdf arguments, if applicable.
      • For more obviously structuring, put the additional tt-content record on the same Typo3 page (where the QFQ tt-content record is located which produces the link) and specify render = api (`report-render`_).
    • source: source:<function name>[&arg1=value1][&arg2=value2][&...] - (similar to a uid) the output is treated as further sources. Example result reported by function name might be: F:file.pdf1|uid:myData&arg=2|...

      • Use this functionality to define a central managed download function, which can be reused anywhere by just specify the function name and required arguments.
      • The called tt-content record is identified by function name, specified in the subheader field. Optional the numeric id of the tt-content record (=uid) can be given.
      • The output of the tt-content record will be treated as further source arguments. Nothing else than valid source references should be printed. Separate the references as usual by ‘|’.
      • The supplied arguments are available via STORE_SIP (this is different from qfq_function).
      • Tip: For more obviously structuring, put the additional tt-content record on the same Typo3 page (where the QFQ tt-content record is located which produces the link) and specify render = api (`report-render`_).
    • WKHTML Options for page, urlParam or url:

      • The ‘HTML to PDF’ will be done via wkhtmltopdf.
      • All possible options, suitable for wkhtmltopdf, can be submitted in the p:…, u:… or U:… element source. Check wkhtmltopdf.txt for possible options. Be aware that key/value tuple in the documentation is separated by a space, but to respect the QFQ key/value notation of URLs, the key/value tuple in p:…, u:… or U:… has to be separated by ‘=’. Please see last example below.
      • If an option contains an ‘&’ it must be escaped with double \ . See example.

    Most of the other Link-Class attributes can be used to customize the link as well.

Example _link:

# single `file`. Specifying a popup message window text is not necessary, cause a file directly accessed is fast.
SELECT "d:file.pdf|s|t:Download|F:fileadmin/pdf/test.pdf" AS _link

# single `file`, with mode
SELECT "d:file.pdf|M:pdf|s|t:Download|F:fileadmin/pdf/test.pdf" AS _link

# three sources: two pages and one file
SELECT "d:complete.pdf|s|t:Complete PDF|p:id=detail&r=1|p:id=detail2&r=1|F:fileadmin/pdf/test.pdf" AS _link

# three sources: two pages and one file
SELECT "d:complete.pdf|s|t:Complete PDF|p:id=detail&r=1|p:id=detail2&r=1|F:fileadmin/pdf/test.pdf" AS _link

# three sources: two pages and one file, parameter to wkhtml will be SIP encoded
SELECT "d:complete.pdf|s|t:Complete PDF|p:id=detail&r=1&_sip=1|p:id=detail2&r=1&_sip=1|F:fileadmin/pdf/test.pdf" AS _link

# three sources: two pages and one file, the second page will be in landscape and pagesize A3
SELECT "d:complete.pdf|s|t:Complete PDF|p:id=detail&r=1|p:id=detail2&r=1&--orientation=Landscape&--page-size=A3|F:fileadmin/pdf/test.pdf" AS _link

# One source and a header file. Note: the parameter to the header URL is escaped with double backslash.
SELECT "d:complete.pdf|s|t:Complete PDF|p:id=detail2&r=1&--orientation=Landscape&--header={{URL:R}}?indexp.php?id=head\\&L=1|F:fileadmin/pdf/test.pdf" AS _link

# One indirect source reference
SELECT "d:complete.pdf|s|t:Complete PDF|source:centralPdf&pId=1234" AS _link

  An additional tt-content record is defined with `sub header: centralPdf`. One or multiple attachments might be concatenated.
  10.sql = SELECT '|F:', a.pathFileName FROM Attachments AS a WHERE a.pId={{pId:S}}

Example _pdf, _zip:

# File 1: p:id=1&--orientation=Landscape&--page-size=A3
# File 2: p:id=form
# File 3: F:fileadmin/file.pdf
SELECT 't:PDF|a:Creating a new PDF|p:id=1&--orientation=Landscape&--page-size=A3|p:id=form|F:fileadmin/file.pdf' AS _pdf

# File 1: p:id=1
# File 2: u:
# File 3: F:fileadmin/file.pdf
SELECT 't:PDF - 3 Files|a:Please be patient|p:id=1|u:|F:fileadmin/file.pdf' AS _pdf

# File 1: p:id=1
# File 2: p:id=form
# File 3: F:fileadmin/file.pdf
SELECT CONCAT('t:ZIP - 3 Pages|a:Please be patient|p:id=1|p:id=form|F:', p.pathFileName) AS _zip

Use the –print-media-type as wkhtml option to access the page with media type ‘printer’. Depending on the website configuration this switches off navigation and background images.

Rendering PDF letters

wkhtmltopdf, with the header and footer options, can be used to render multi page PDF letters (repeating header, pagination) in combination with dynamic content. Such PDFs might look-alike official letters, together with logo and signature.

Best practice:

  1. Create a clean (=no menu, no website layout) letter layout in a separated T3 branch:

    page = PAGE
    page.typeNum = 0
    page.includeCSS {
      10 = typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/Css/qfq-letter.css
    // Grant access to any logged in user or specific development IPs
    [usergroup = *] || [IP =,192.168.1.* ]
      page.10 < styles.content.get
      page.10 = TEXT
      page.10.value = access forbidden
  2. Create a T3 body page (e.g. page alias: ‘letterbody’) with some content. Example static HTML content:

    <div class="letter-receiver">
    <div class="letter-sender">
     <p><b>firstName name</b><br>
      Phone +00 00 000 00 00<br>
      Fax +00 00 000 00 00<br>
    <div class="letter-date">
      Zurich, 01.12.2017
    <div class="letter-body">
     <p>Dear Mrs...</p>
     <p>Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet organa solo skywalker darth c-3p0 anakin jabba mara greedo skywalker.</p>
     <div class="letter-no-break">
     <img class="letter-signature" src="">
     <p>Firstname Name<br>Function</p>
  3. Create a T3 letter-header page (e.g. page alias: ‘letterheader’) , with only the header information:

    <img src="fileadmin/logo.png" class="letter-logo">
    <div class="letter-unit">
      <p class="letter-title">Department</p>
       Company name<br>
       Company department<br>
  4. Create a) a link (Report) to the PDF letter or b) attach the PDF (on the fly rendered) to a mail. Both will call the wkhtml via the download mode and forwards the necessary parameter.

Use in report:

sql = SELECT CONCAT('d:Letter.pdf|t:',p.firstName, ' ',
                     , '|p:id=letterbody&pId=',, '&_sip=1'
                     , '&--margin-top=50mm'
                     , '&--header-html={{BASE_URL_PRINT:Y}}?id=letterheader'

                     # IMPORTANT: set margin-bottom to make the footer visible!
                     , '&--margin-bottom=20mm'
                     , '&--footer-right="Seite: [page]/[toPage]"'
                     , '&--footer-font-size=8&--footer-spacing=10') AS _pdf

              FROM Person AS p ORDER BY

Sendmail. Parameter:

sendMailAttachment={{SELECT 'd:Letter.pdf|t:', p.firstName, ' ',, '|p:id=letterbody&pId=',, '&_sip=1&--margin-top=50mm&--margin-bottom=20mm&--header-html={{BASE_URL_PRINT:Y}}?id=letterheader&--footer-right="Seite: [page]/[toPage]"&--footer-font-size=8&--footer-spacing=10' FROM Person AS p WHERE{{id:S}} }}

Replace the static content elements from 2. and 3. by QFQ Content elements as needed:

10.sql = SELECT '<div class="letter-receiver"><p>', AS '_+br', p.street AS '_+br', AS '_+br', '</p>'
           FROM Person AS p

Export area

This description might be interesting if a page can’t be protected by SIP.

To offer protected pages, e.g. directly referenced files (remember: this is not recommended) in download links, the regular FE_GROUPs can’t be used, cause the download does not have the current user privileges (it’s a separate process, started as the webserver user).

Create a separated export tree in Typo3 Backend, which is IP access restricted. Only localhost or the FE_GROUP ‘admin’ is allowed to access:

tmp.restrictedIPRange =,::1
[IP = {$tmp.restrictedIPRange} ][usergroup = admin]
   page.10 < styles.content.get
   page.10 = TEXT
   page.10.value = Please access from localhost or log in as 'admin' user.

Excel export

This chapter explains how to create Excel files on the fly.

Hint: For just up/downloading of excel files (without modification), check the generic Form Type: upload element and the report ‘download’ (column_pdf) function.

The Excel file is build in the moment when the user request it, by clicking on a download link.

Mode building:

  • New: The export file will be completely build from scratch.
  • Template: The export file is based on an earlier uploaded xlsx file (template). The template itself is unchanged.

Injecting data into the Excel file is done in the same way in both modes: a Typo3 page (rendered without any HTML header or tags) contains one or more Typo3 QFQ records. Those QFQ records will create plain ASCII output.

If the export file has to be customized (colors, pictures, headlines, …), the Template mode is the preferred option. It’s much easier to do all customizations via Excel and creating a template than by coding in QFQ / Excel export notation.


  • Create a special column name _excel (or _link) in QFQ/Report. As a source, define a T3 PageContent, which has to deliver the dynamic content (also excel-export-sample).

    SELECT CONCAT('d:final.xlsx|M:excel|s:1|t:Excel (new)|uid:<tt-content record id>') AS _link
  • Create a T3 PageContent which delivers the content.

    • It is recommended to use the uid:<tt-content record id> syntax for excel imports, because there should be no html code on the resulting content. QFQ will retrieve the PageContent’s bodytext from the Typo3 database, parse it, and pass the result as the instructions for filling the excel file.
    • Parameters can be passed: uid:<tt-content record id>?param=<value1>&param2=<value2> and will be accessible in the SIP Store (S) in the QFQ PageContent.
    • Use the regular QFQ Report syntax to create output.
    • The newline at the end of every line needs to be CHAR(10). To make it simpler, the special column name ... AS _XLS (see _XLS, _XLSs, _XLSb, _XLSn) can be used.
    • One option per line.
    • Empty lines will be skipped.
    • Lines starting with ‘#’ will be skipped (comments). Inline comment signs are NOT recognized as comment sign.
    • Separate <keyword> and <value> by ‘=’.
Keyword Example Description
‘worksheet’ worksheet=main Select a worksheet in case the excel file has multiple of them.
‘mode’ mode=insert Values: insert,overwrite.
‘position’ position=A1 Default is ‘A1’. Use the excel notation.
‘newline’ newline Start a new row. The column will be the one of the last ‘position’ statement.
‘str’, ‘s’ s=hello world Set the given string on the given position. The current position will be shift one to the right. If the string contains newlines, option’b’ (base64) should be used.
‘b’ b=aGVsbG8gd29ybGQK Same as ‘s’, but the given string has to Base64 encoded and will be decoded before export.
‘n’ n=123 Set number on the given position. The current position will be shift one to the right.
‘f’ f==SUM(A5:C6) Set a formula on the given position. The current position will be shift one to the right.

Create a output like this:

s=First Line
s=Second line

This fills D11, E11, F11, D12

In Report Syntax:

# With ... AS _XLS (token explicit given)
10.sql = SELECT 'position=D10' AS _XLS
                , 's=Hello' AS _XLS
                , 's=World' AS _XLS
                , 's=First Line' AS _XLS
                , 'newline' AS _XLS
                , 's=Second line' AS _XLS
                , 'n=123' AS _XLS

# With ... AS _XLSs (token generated internally)
20.sql = SELECT 'position=D20' AS _XLS
                , 'Hello' AS _XLSs
                , 'World' AS _XLSs
                , 'First Line' AS _XLSs
                , 'newline' AS _XLS
                , 'Second line' AS _XLSs
                , 'n=123' AS _XLS

# With ... AS _XLSb (token generated internally and content is base64 encoded)
30.sql = SELECT 'position=D30' AS _XLS
                , '<some content with special characters like newline/carriage return>' AS _XLSb

Excel export samples (54 is a example <tt-content record id>):

# From scratch (both are the same, one with '_excel' the other with '_link')
SELECT CONCAT('d:new.xlsx|t:Excel (new)|uid:54') AS _excel
SELECT CONCAT('d:new.xlsx|t:Excel (new)|uid:54|M:excel|s:1') AS _link

# Template
SELECT CONCAT('d:final.xlsx|t:Excel (template)|F:fileadmin/template.xlsx|uid:54') AS _excel

# With parameter (via SIP) - get the Parameter on page 'exceldata' with '{{arg1:S}}' and '{{arg2:S}}'
SELECT CONCAT('d:final.xlsx|t:Excel (parameter)|uid:54&arg1=hello&arg2=world') AS _excel

Best practice

To keep the link of the Excel export close to the Excel export definition, the option Report: render can be used.

On a single T3 page create two QFQ tt-content records:

tt-content record 1:

  • Type: QFQ

  • Content:

    render = single
    10.sql = SELECT CONCAT('d:new.xlsx|t:Excel (new)|uid:54|M:excel|s:1') AS _link

tt-content record 2 (uid=54):

  • Type: QFQ

  • Content:

    render = api
    10.sql = SELECT 'position=D10' AS _XLS
                    , 's=Hello' AS _XLS
                    , 's=World' AS _XLS
                    , 's=First Line' AS _XLS
                    , 'newline' AS _XLS
                    , 's=Second line' AS _XLS
                    , 'n=123' AS _XLS


Sending messages via WebSocket and receiving the answer is done via:

SELECT 'w:ws://<host>:<port>/<path>|t:<message>' AS _websocket

Instead of ... AS _websocket it’s also possible to use ... AS _link (same syntax).

The answer from the socket (if there is something) is written to output and stored in STORE_RECORD by given column (in this case ‘websocket’ or ‘link’).


To suppress the direct output, add |_hide to the column name.


SELECT 'w:ws://<host>:<port>/<path>|t:<message>' AS '_websocket|_hide'


To define a uniq column name (easy access by column name via STORE_RECORD) add |myName (replace myName).


SELECT 'w:ws://<host>:<port>/<path>|t:<message>' AS '_websocket|myName'


Get the answer from STORE_RECORD by using {{&.... Check access-column-values.


SELECT 'w:ws://<host>:<port>/<path>|t:<message>' AS '_websocket|myName'


  '{{myName:R}}'  >> 'w:ws://<host>:<port>/<path>|t:<message>'
  '{{&myName:R}}'  >> '<received socket answer>'

Drag and drop

Order elements

Ordering of elements via HTML5 drag and drop is supported via QFQ. Any element to order should be represented by a database record with an order column. If the elements are unordered, they will be ordered after the first ‘drag and drop’ move of an element.

Functionality divides into:

  • Display: the records will be displayed via QFQ/report.
  • Order records: updates of the order column are managed by a specific definition form. The form is not a regular form (e.g. there are no FormElements), instead it’s only a container to held the SQL update query as well as providing access control via SIP. The form is automatically called via AJAX.

Part 1: Display list

Display the list of elements via a regular QFQ content record. All ‘drag and drop’ elements together have to be nested by a HTML element. Such HTML element:

  • With class="qfq-dnd-sort".
  • With a form name: {{'form=<form name>' AS _data-dnd-api}} (will be replaced by QFQ)
  • Only direct children of such element can be dragged.
  • Every children needs a unique identifier data-dnd-id="<unique>". Typically this is the corresponding record id.
  • The record needs a dedicated order column, which will be updated through API calls in time.

A <div> example HTML output (HTML send to the browser):

<div class="qfq-dnd-sort" data-dnd-api="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Api/dragAndDrop.php?s=badcaffee1234">
    <div class="anyClass" id="<uniq1>" data-dnd-id="55">
        Numbero Uno
    <div class="anyClass" id="<uniq2>" data-dnd-id="18">
        Numbero Deux
    <div class="anyClass" id="<uniq3>" data-dnd-id="27">
        Numbero Tre

A typical QFQ report which generates those <div> HTML:

10 {
  sql = SELECT '<div id="anytag-',,'" data-dnd-id="',,'">' , n.note, '</div>'
               FROM Note AS n
               WHERE grId=28
               ORDER BY n.ord

  head = <div class="qfq-dnd-sort" {{'form=dndSortNote&grId=28' AS _data-dnd-api}}">
  tail = </div>

A <table> based setup is also possible. Note the attribute data-columns="3" - this generates a dropzone which is the same column width as the outer table.

    <tbody class="qfq-dnd-sort" data-dnd-api="typo3conf/ext/qfq/Classes/Api/dragAndDrop.php?s=badcaffee1234" data-columns="3">
        <tr> class="anyClass" id="<uniq1>" data-dnd-id="55">
            <td>Numbero Uno</td><td>Numbero Uno.2</td><td>Numbero Uno.3</td>
        <tr class="anyClass" id="<uniq2>" data-dnd-id="18">
            <td>Numbero Deux</td><td>Numbero Deux.2</td><td>Numbero Deux.3</td>
        <tr class="anyClass" id="<uniq3>" data-dnd-id="27">
            <td>Numbero Tre</td><td>Numbero Tre.2</td><td>Numbero Tre.3</td>

A typical QFQ report which generates this HTML:

10 {
  sql = SELECT '<tr id="anytag-',,'" data-dnd-id="',,'" data-columns="3">' , AS '_+td', n.note AS '_+td', n.ord AS '_+td', '</tr>'
               FROM Note AS n
               WHERE grId=28
               ORDER BY n.ord

  head = <table><tbody class="qfq-dnd-sort" {{'form=dndSortNote&grId=28' AS _data-dnd-api}} data-columns="3">
  tail = </tbody><table>
Show / update order value in the browser

The ‘drag and drop’ action does not trigger a reload of the page. In case the order number is shown and the user does a ‘drag and drop’, the order number shows the old. To update the dragable elements with the latest order number, a predefined html id has to be assigned them. After an update, all changed order number (referenced by the html id) will be updated via AJAX.

The html id per element is defined by qfq-dnd-ord-id-<id> where <id> is the record id. Same example as above, but with an updated n.ord column:

10 {
  sql = SELECT '<tr id="anytag-',,'" data-dnd-id="',,'" data-columns="3">' , AS '_+td', n.note AS '_+td',
               '<td id="qfq-dnd-ord-id-',, '">', n.ord, '</td></tr>'
               FROM Note AS n
               WHERE grId=28
               ORDER BY n.ord

  head = <table><tbody class="qfq-dnd-sort" {{'form=dndSortNote&grId=28' AS _data-dnd-api}} data-columns="3">
  tail = </tbody><table>

Part 2: Order records

A dedicated Form, without any FormElements, is used to define the reorder logic (database update definition).


  • Name: <custom form name> - used in Part 1 in the _data-dnd-api variable.
  • Table: <table with the element records> - used to update the records specified by dragAndDropOrderSql.
  • Parameter:
Attribute Description
orderInterval = <number> Optional. By default ‘10’. Might be any number > 0.
orderColumn = <column name> Optional. By default ‘ord’.
dragAndDropOrderSql = {{!SELECT AS id, n.ord AS ord FROM Note AS n ORDER BY n.ord}} Query to selects the same records as the report in the same order! Inconsistencies results in order differences. The columns id and ord are mandatory.

The form related to the example of part 1 (‘div’ or ‘table’): dndSortNote
Form.table: Note
Form.parameter: orderInterval = 1
Form.parameter: orderColumn = ord
Form.parameter: dragAndDropOrderSql = {{!SELECT AS id, n.ord AS ord FROM Note AS n WHERE n.grId={{grId:S0}} ORDER BY n.ord}}


QFQ iterates over the result set of dragAndDropOrderSql. The value of column id have to correspond to the dragged HTML

element (given by data-dnd-id). Reordering always start with orderInterval and is incremented by orderInterval with each record of the result set. The client reports a) the id of the dragged HTML element, b) the id of the hovered element and c) the dropped position of above or below the hovered element. This information is compared to the result set and changes are applied where appropriate.

Take care that the query of part 1 (display list) does a) select the same records and b) in the same order as the query defined in part 2 (order records) via dragAndDropOrderSql.

If you find that the reorder does not work at expected, those two sql queries are not identical.

QFQ Icons

Located under typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/icons:

black_dot.png     bullet-red.gif      checked-red.gif     emoji.svg    mail.gif    pointer.svg    up.gif
blue_dot.png      bullet-yellow.gif   checked-yellow.gif  gear.svg     marker.svg  rectangle.svg  upload.gif
bulb.png          checkboxinvert.gif  construction.gif    help.gif     new.gif     resize.svg     wavy-underline.gif
bullet-blue.gif   checked-blue.gif    copy.gif            home.gif     note.gif    show.gif       zoom.svg
bullet-gray.gif   checked-gray.gif    delete.gif          icons.svg    pan.svg     trash.svg
bullet-green.gif  checked-green.gif   down.gif            info.gif     paste.gif   turnLeft.svg
bullet-pink.gif   checked-pink.gif    edit.gif            loading.gif  pencil.svg  turnRight.svg

QFQ CSS Classes

  • qfq-table-50, qfq-table-80, qfq-table-100 - assigned to <table>, set min-width and column width to ‘auto’.
  • Background Color: qfq-color-grey-1, qfq-color-grey-2 - assigned to different tags (table, row, cell).
  • qfq-100 - assigned to different tags, makes an element ‘width: 100%’.
  • qfq-left- assigned to different tags, Text align left.
  • qfq-sticky - assigned to <thead>, makes the header sticky.
  • qfq-badge, qfq-badge-error, qfq-badge-warning, qfq-badge-success, qfq-badge-info, qfq-badge-invers - colorized BS3 badges.
  • letter-no-break - assigned to a div will protect a paragraph (CSS: page-break-before: avoid;) not to break around a page border (converted to PDF via wkhtml). Take care that qfq-letter.css is included in TypoScript setup.


  • Table: table
  • Table > hover: table-hover
  • Table > condensed: table-condensed


10.sql = SELECT id, name, firstName, ...
10.head = <table class='table table-condensed qfq-table-50'>
  • qfq-100, qfq-left - makes e.g. a button full width and aligns the text left.


10.sql = SELECT "p:home&r=0|t:Home|c:qfq-100 qfq-left" AS _pages


QFQ includes a third-party client-side table sorter:

To turn any table into a sortable table:

  • Ensure that your QFQ installation imports the appropriate js/css files, see Setup CSS & JS.
  • Add the class=”tablesorter” to your <table> element.
  • Take care the <table> has a <thead> and <tbody> tag.
  • Every table with active tablesorter should have a uniq HTML id.


Custom settings will be saved per table automatically in the browser local storage. To distinguish different table settings, define an uniq HTML id per table. Example: <table class=”tablesorter” id=”{{pageAlias:T}}-person”> - the {{pageAlias:T}} makes it easy to keep the overview over given name on the site.

The tablesorter options:

  • Class tablesorter-filter enables row filtering.

  • Class tablesorter-pager adds table paging functionality. A page navigation is shown.

  • Class tablesorter-column-selector adds a column selector widget.

  • Activate/Save/Delete views: Insert inside of a table html-tag the command:

    {{ '<uniqueName>' AS _tablesorter-view-saver }}

    This adds a menu to save the current view (column filters, selected columns, sort order).

    • <uniqueName> should be a name which is at least unique inside the typo3 content element. Example:

      <table {{ 'allperson' AS _tablesorter-view-saver }} class="tablesorter tablesorter-filter tablesorter-column-selector" id="{{pageAlias:T}}-demo"> ... </table>
    • ‘Views’ can be saved as:

      • public: every user will see the view and can modify it.
      • private: only the user who created the view will see/modify it.
      • readonly: manually mark a view as readonly (no FE User can change it) by setting column readonly=’true’ in table
        Setting of the corresponding view (identified by name).
    • Views will be saved in the table ‘Setting’.

    • Include ‘font-awesome’ CSS in your T3 page setup: typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/Css/font-awesome.min.css to get the icons.

    • The view ‘Clear’ is always available and can’t be modified.

    • To preselect a view, append a HTML anker to the current URL. Get the anker by selecting the view and copy it from the browser address bar. Example:

      • ‘allperson’ is the ‘<uniqueName>’ of the tablesorter-view-saver command.
      • ‘public’ means the view is tagged as ‘public’ visible.
      • ‘email’ is the name of the view, as it is shown in the dropdown list.
    • If there is a public view with the name ‘Default’ and a user has no choosen a view earlier, that one will be selected.

  • You can export your tablesorter tables as CSV files using the output widget (be sure to include the separate JS file):

    • Create a button to trigger the export with the following Javascript:

    • Default export file name: tableExport.csv

    • Exported with column separator ;

    • Only currently filtered rows are exported.

    • Values are exported as text, without HTML tags

    • You can change the formatting/value of each cell as follows:

      <td data-name="12345">CHF 12,345.-</td>
    • Headers and footers are exported as well.

Customization of tablesorter

Description Syntax
Disable sorter <th class="sorter-false">...
Disable filter <th class="filter-false">...
Filter as dropdown <th class="filter-select">...
Ignore entire row Wrap <tr> inside a <tfoot>. Caution: May cause undesired print behavior. Use <tfoot style = "display:table-row-group;"> </tfoot>
Custom value for cell <td data-text="...">...
Sorting for tables with child rows (e.g. drilldown) <tr class="tablesorter-hasChildRow">...</tr> <tr class="tablesorter-childRow">...</tr>
  • You can pass in a default configuration object for the main tablesorter() function by using the attribute data-tablesorter-config on the table. Use JSON syntax when passing in your own configuration, such as:

    data-tablesorter-config='{"theme":"bootstrap","widthFixed":true,"headerTemplate":"{content} {icon}","dateFormat":"ddmmyyyy","widgets":["uitheme","filter","saveSort","columnSelector","output"],"widgetOptions":{"filter_columnFilters":true,"filter_reset":".reset","filter_cssFilter":"form-control","columnSelector_mediaquery":false,"output_delivery":"download","output_saveFileName":"tableExport.csv","output_separator":";"} }'
  • If the above customization options are not enough, you can output your own HTML for the pager and/or column selector, as well as your own $(document).ready() function with the desired config. In this case, it is recommended not to use the above tablesorter classes since the QFQ javascript code could interfere with your javascript code.


10 {
  sql = SELECT id, CONCAT('form&form=person&r=', id) AS _Pagee, lastName, title FROM Person
  head = <table class="table tablesorter tablesorter-filter tablesorter-pager tablesorter-column-selector" id="{{pageAlias:T}}-ts1">
      <thead><tr><th>Id</th><th class="filter-false sorter-false">Edit</th>
      <th>Name</th><th class="filter-select" data-placeholder="Select a title">Title</th>
  tail = </tbody></table>
  rbeg = <tr>
  rend = </tr>
  fbeg = <td>
  fend = </td>


Display a (log)file from the server, inside the browser, which updates automatically by a user defined interval. Access to the file is SIP protected. Any file on the server is possible.

  • On a Typo3 page, define a HTML element with a unique html-id. E.g.:

    10.head = <pre id="monitor-1">Please wait</pre>
  • On the same Typo3 page, define an SQL column ‘_monitor’ with the necessary parameter:

    10.sql = SELECT 'file:fileadmin/protected/log/sql.log|tail:50|append:1|refresh:1000|htmlId:monitor-1' AS _monitor
  • Short version with all defaults used to display system configured sql.log:

    10.sql = SELECT 'file:{{sqlLog:Y}}' AS _monitor, '<pre id="monitor-1" style="white-space: pre-wrap;">Please wait</pre>'

Calendar View

QFQ is shipped with the JavaScript library (respect that QFQ uses V3) to provides various calendar views.


Include the JS & CSS files via Typoscript

  • typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/Css/fullcalendar.min.css
  • typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/moment.min.js
  • typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Public/JavaScript/fullcalendar.min.js

Integration: Create a <div> with

  • CSS class “qfq-calendar”
  • Tag data-config. The content is a Javascript object.


10.sql = SELECT 'Calendar, Standard'
10.tail = <div class="qfq-calendar"
                    "themeSystem": "bootstrap3",
                    "height": "auto",
                    "defaultDate": "2020-01-13",
                    "weekends": false,
                    "defaultView": "agendaWeek",
                    "minTime": "05:00:00",
                    "maxTime": "20:00:00",
                    "businessHours": { "dow": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], "startTime": "10:00", "endTime": "18:00" },
                    "events": [
                      { "id": "a", "title": "my event",
                      "start": "2020-01-21"},
                      { "id": "b", "title": "my other event", "start": "2020-01-16T09:00:00", "end": "2020-01-16T11:30:00"}

# "now" is in the past to switchoff 'highlight of today'
20.sql = SELECT 'Calendar, 3 day, custom color, agend&list' AS '_+h2'
20.tail = <div class="qfq-calendar"
                    "themeSystem": "bootstrap3",
                    "height": "auto",
                    "header": {
                      "left": "title",
                      "center": "",
                      "right": "agenda,listWeek"
                    "defaultDate": "2020-01-14",
                    "now": "1999-12-31",
                    "allDaySlot": false,
                    "weekends": false,
                    "defaultView": "agenda",
                    "dayCount": 3,
                    "minTime": "08:00:00",
                    "maxTime": "18:00:00",
                    "businessHours": { "dow": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], "startTime": "10:00", "endTime": "18:00" },
                    "events": [
                      { "id": "a", "title": "my event",       "start": "2020-01-15T10:15:00", "end": "2020-01-15T11:50:00", "color": "#25adf1", "textColor": "#000"},
                      { "id": "b", "title": "my other event", "start": "2020-01-16T09:00:00", "end": "2020-01-16T11:30:00", "color": "#5cb85c", "textColor": "#000"},
                      { "id": "c", "title": "Eventli",        "start": "2020-01-15T13:10:00", "end": "2020-01-15T16:30:00", "color": "#fbb64f", "textColor": "#000"},
                      { "id": "d", "title": "Evento",         "start": "2020-01-15T13:50:00", "end": "2020-01-15T15:00:00", "color": "#fb4f4f", "textColor": "#000"},
                      { "id": "d", "title": "Busy",           "start": "2020-01-14T09:00:00", "end": "2020-01-14T12:00:00", "color": "#ccc",    "textColor": "#000"},
                      { "id": "e", "title": "Banana",         "start": "2020-01-16T13:30:00", "end": "2020-01-16T16:00:00", "color": "#fff45b", "textColor": "#000"}

Report As File

  • If the toplevel token file is present inside the body of a QFQ tt-content element then the given report file is loaded and rendered.
    • The tt-content body is ignored in that case.
  • The path to the report file must be given relative to the report directory inside the qfq project directory. See qfq.project.path.php
    • QFQ provides some special system reports which are located inside the extension directory typo3conf/ext/qfq/Resources/Private/Report and can be directly rendered by prepending an underscore and omitting the file extension:
      • file=_formEditor will render the standard formEditor report
  • If the QFQ setting reportAsFileAutoExport (see Extension Manager: QFQ Configuration) is enabled, then every QFQ tt-content element which does not contain the file keyword is exported automatically when the report is rendered the first time.
    • The path of the created file is given by the typo3 page structure
    • The tt-content element body is replaced with file=<path-to-new-file>
  • Backups : Whenever a report file is edited via the frontend report editor then a backup of the previous version is saved in the .backup directory located in the same directory as the report file.

Example tt-content body:


# Everything else is ignored!!
10.sql = SELECT 'This is ignored!!'

Example Home/myPage/qfq-report.qfqr:

# Some comment
10.sql = SELECT 'The file content is executed.'

Example of rendered report:

The file content is executed.

Report Examples

The following section gives some examples of typical reports.

Basic Queries

One simple query:

10.sql = SELECT "Hello World"


Hello World

Two simple queries:

10.sql = SELECT "Hello World"
20.sql = SELECT "Say hello"


Hello WorldSay hello

Two simple queries, with break:

10.sql = SELECT "Hello World<br>"
20.sql = SELECT "Say hello"


Hello World
Say hello

Accessing the database

Real data, one single column:

10.sql = SELECT p.firstName FROM ExpPerson AS p



Real data, two columns:

10.sql = SELECT p.firstName, p.lastName FROM ExpPerson AS p



The result of the SQL query is an output, row by row and column by column, without adding any formatting information. See Formatting Examples for examples of how the output can be formatted.

Formatting Examples

Formatting (i.e. wrapping of data with HTML tags etc.) can be achieved in two different ways:

One can add formatting output directly into the SQL by either putting it in a separate column of the output or by using concat to concatenate data and formatting output in a single column.

One can use ‘level’ keys to define formatting information that will be put before/after/between all rows/columns of the actual levels result.

Two columns:

# Add the formatting information as a column
10.sql = SELECT p.firstName, " " , p.lastName, "<br>" FROM ExpPerson AS p


Billie Holiday
Elvis Presley
Louis Armstrong
Diana Ross

One column ‘rend’ as linebreak - no extra column ‘<br>’ needed:

10.sql = SELECT p.firstName, " " , p.lastName, " ", FROM ExpPerson AS p
10.rend = <br>


Billie Holiday USA
Elvis Presley USA
Louis Armstrong USA
Diana Ross USA

Same with ‘fsep’ (column ” ” removed):

10.sql = SELECT p.firstName, p.lastName, FROM ExpPerson AS p 10.rend = <br> 10.fsep = ” “


Billie Holiday USA
Elvis Presley USA
Louis Armstrong USA
Diana Ross USA

More HTML:

10.sql = SELECT FROM ExpPerson AS p
10.head = <ul>
10.tail = </ul>
10.rbeg = <li>
10.rend = </li>


o Billie Holiday
o Elvis Presley
o Louis Armstrong
o Diana Ross

The same as above, but with braces:

10 {
  sql = SELECT FROM ExpPerson AS p
  head = <ul>
  tail = </ul>
  rbeg = <li>
  rend = </li>

Two queries:

10.sql = SELECT FROM ExpPerson AS p
10.rend = <br>
20.sql = SELECT a.street FROM ExpAddress AS a
20.rend = <br>

Two queries: nested:

# outer query
10.sql = SELECT FROM ExpPerson AS p
10.rend = <br>

# inner query
10.10.sql = SELECT a.street FROM ExpAddress AS a
10.10.rend = <br>
  • For every record of ‘10’, all records of 10.10 will be printed.

Two queries: nested with variables:

# outer query
10.sql = SELECT, FROM ExpPerson AS p
10.rend = <br>

# inner query
10.10.sql = SELECT a.street FROM ExpAddress AS a WHERE a.pId='{{}}'
10.10.rend = <br>
  • For every record of ‘10’, all assigned records of 10.10 will be printed.

Two queries: nested with hidden variables in a table:

10.sql = SELECT AS _pId, FROM ExpPerson AS p
10.rend = <br>

# inner query
10.10.sql = SELECT a.street FROM ExpAddress AS a WHERE a.pId='{{10.pId}}'
10.10.rend = <br>

Same as above, but written in the nested notation:

10 {
  sql = SELECT AS _pId, FROM ExpPerson AS p
  rend = <br>

  10 {
  # inner query
    sql = SELECT a.street FROM ExpAddress AS a WHERE a.pId='{{10.pId}}'
    rend = <br>

Best practice recommendation for using parameter - see Access column values:

10 {
  sql = SELECT AS _pId, FROM ExpPerson AS p
  rend = <br>

  10 {
  # inner query
    sql = SELECT a.street FROM ExpAddress AS a WHERE a.pId='{{pId:R}}'
    rend = <br>

Create HTML tables. Each column is wrapped in <td>, each row is wrapped in <tr>:

10 {
  sql = SELECT p.firstName, p.lastName, FROM Person AS p
  head = <table class="table">
  tail = </table>
  rbeg = <tr>
  rend = </tr>
  fbeg = <td>
  fend = </td>

Maybe a few columns belongs together and should be in one table column.

Joining columns, variant A: firstName and lastName in one table column:

10 {
  sql = SELECT CONCAT(p.firstName, ' ', p.lastName), FROM Person AS p
  head = <table class="table">
  tail = </table>
  rbeg = <tr>
  rend = </tr>
  fbeg = <td>
  fend = </td>

Joining columns, variant B: firstName and lastName in one table column:

10 {
  sql = SELECT '<td>', p.firstName, ' ', p.lastName, '</td><td>',, '</td>' FROM Person AS p
  head = <table class="table">
  tail = </table>
  rbeg = <tr>
  rend = </tr>

Joining columns, variant C: firstName and lastName in one table column. Notice fbeg, fend` and ``fskipwrap:

10 {
  sql = SELECT '<td>', p.firstName, ' ', p.lastName, '</td>', FROM Person AS p
  head = <table class="table">
  tail = </table>
  rbeg = <tr>
  rend = </tr>
  fbeg = <td>
  fend = </td>
  fskipwrap = 1,2,3,4,5

Joining columns, variant D: firstName and lastName in one table column. Notice fbeg, fend` and ``fskipwrap:

10 {
  sql = SELECT CONCAT('<td>', p.firstName, ' ', p.lastName, '</td>') AS '_noWrap', FROM Person AS p
  head = <table class="table">
  tail = </table>
  rbeg = <tr>
  rend = </tr>
  fbeg = <td>
  fend = </td>

Recent List

A nice feature is to show a list with last changed records. The following will show the 10 last modified (Form or FormElement) forms:

10 {
  sql = SELECT CONCAT('p:{{pageAlias:T}}&form=form&r=',, '|t:',,'|o:', GREATEST(MAX(fe.modified), f.modified)) AS _page
          FROM Form AS f
          LEFT JOIN FormElement AS fe
            ON fe.formId =
          GROUP BY
          ORDER BY GREATEST(MAX(fe.modified), f.modified) DESC
          LIMIT 10
  head = <h3>Recent Forms</h3>
  rsep = ,&ensp;

Table: vertical column title

To orientate a column title vertical, use the QFQ CSS classe qfq-vertical in td|th and qfq-vertical-text around the text.

HTML example (second column title is vertical):

    <th class="qfq-vertical"><span class="qfq-vertical-text">text vertical</span></th>

QFQ example:

10 {
  sql = SELECT title FROM Settings ORDER BY title
  fbeg = <th class="qfq-vertical"><span class="qfq-vertical-text">
  fend = </span></th>
  head = <table><thead><tr>
  rend = </tr></thead>
  tail = </table>

  20.sql = SELECT ...

STORE_USER examples

Keep variables per user session.

Two pages (pass variable)

Sometimes it’s useful to have variables per user (=browser session). Set a variable on page ‘A’ and retrieve the value on page ‘B’.

Page ‘A’ - set the variable:

10.sql = SELECT 'hello' AS '_=greeting'

Page ‘B’ - get the value:

10.sql = SELECT '{{greeting:UE}}'

If page ‘A’ has never been opened with the current browser session, nothing is printed (STORE_EMPTY gives an empty string). If page ‘A’ is called, page ‘B’ will print ‘hello’.

One page (collect variables)

A page will be called with several SIP variables, but not at all at the same time. To still get all variables at any time:

# Normalize
10.sql = SELECT '{{order:USE:::sum}}' AS '_=order', '{{step:USE:::5}}' AS _step, '{{direction:USE:::ASC}}' AS _direction

# Different links
20.sql = SELECT 'p:{{pageAlias:T}}&order=count|t:Order by count|b|s' AS _link,
                'p:{{pageAlias:T}}&order=sum|t:Order by sum|b|s' AS _link,
                'p:{{pageAlias:T}}&step=10|t:Step=10|b|s' AS _link,
                'p:{{pageAlias:T}}&step=50|t:Step=50|b|s' AS _link,
                'p:{{pageAlias:T}}&direction=ASC|t:Order by up|b|s' AS _link,
                'p:{{pageAlias:T}}&direction=DESC|t:Order by down|b|s' AS _link

30.sql = SELECT * FROM Items ORDER BY {{order:U}} {{direction:U}} LIMIT {{step:U}}

Simulate/switch user: feUser

Just set the STORE_USER variable ‘feUser’.

All places with {{feUser:T}} has to be replaced by {{feUser:UT}}:

# Normalize
10.sql = SELECT '{{feUser:UT}}' AS '_=feUser'

# Offer switching feUser
20.sql = SELECT 'p:{{pageAlias:T}}&feUser=account1|t:Become "account1"|b|s' AS _link,
                'p:{{pageAlias:T}}&feUser={{feUser:T}}|t:Back to own identity|b|s' AS _link,

Semester switch (remember last choice)

A current semester is defined via configuration in STORE_SYSTEM ‘{{semId:Y}}’. The first column in 10.sql ‘{{semId:SUY}}’ AS ‘_=semId’ saves the semester to STORE_USER via ‘_=semId’. The priority ‘SUY’ takes either the latest choose (STORE_SIP) or reuse the last used (STORE_USER) or (first time call during browser session) takes the default from config (STORE_SYSTEM):

# Semester switch
10 {
  sql = SELECT '{{semId:SUY}}' AS '_=semId'
               , CONCAT('p:{{pageAlias:T}}&semId=',, '|t:', QBAR(, '|s|b|G:glyphicon-chevron-left') AS _link
               , ' <button class="btn disabled ',   IF({{semId:Y0}}, 'btn-success', 'btn-default'), '">',, '</button> '
               , CONCAT('p:{{pageAlias:T}}&semId=',, '|t:', QBAR(, '|s|b|G:glyphicon-chevron-right|R') AS _link
          FROM Semester AS sc

          LEFT JOIN semester AS sp

          LEFT JOIN semester AS sn
            ON AND sn.show_semester_from<=CURDATE()

          ORDER BY sc.semester_von
  head = <div class="btn-group" style="position: absolute; top: 15px; right: 25px;">
  tail = </div><p></p>