Apache Tika for TYPO3
- Extension key
- Package name
- Version
- Language
- Author
Ingo Renner, Markus Friedrich, Rafael Kähm, Timo Hund & Contributors
- License
This document is published under the Open Publication License.
- Rendered
Wed, 18 Dec 2024 17:09:19 +0000
Apache Tika is a toolkit for detecting and extracting metadata and structured text content from various documents using existing parser libraries.
All in all Tika knows/can detect about 1200 file formats and can read about half of them. These formats include the most common ones: HTML, XML including RSS and ATOM feeds, Microsoft Office (binary formats and OOXML), OpenDocument (OpenOffice.org), Apple iWork, PDF, ePUB, RTF, compressed formats like ZIP, audio formats including MP3, flash flv video, image formats including JPEG and TIFF, mail box mbox format, and many more.
Apache Tika for TYPO3 provides three services to retrieve information from files:
- Text extraction
- Language detection of file contents
- Meta data extraction
All three services can be used with FAL.
It is recommended to use Apache Tika version 1.28 or higher.
Getting Help
If you run into any issues with setting up EXT:tika don't hesitate to ask for help on the TYPO3 Solr Slack channel
Table of Contents: