
The configuration is done in the AdditionalConfiguration.php or your Theme-Extension’s ext_localconf.php:

$languageMapping = array(

        //"sys_language_uid" and "isolanguagecode" have to be unique in the array $languageMapping!
        sys_language_uid => isolanguagecode,

        1 => 'de', //german
        11 => 'en', //english
        21 => 'it', //italian
        31 => 'fr', //french

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['bgm_hreflang']['countryMapping'] = array(

        //"pageid" is the rootpage of a country branch. It has to be unique in the array $countryMapping!
        pageid => array(

                //"isocountrycode" has to be unique in the array $countryMapping!
                'countryCode' => isocountrycode,

                //'$languageMapping + array(0 => isolanguagecode)' can be assigned more than once with the same "isolanguagecode" in the array countryMapping.
                'languageMapping' => $languageMapping + array(0 => isolanguagecode),

                //This optional 'additionalGetParameters' can be assigned to every language of the current country
                'additionalGetParameters' => array(
                        //"sys_language_uid" has to be unique in the array $additionalGetParameters!
                        sys_language_uid => additionalGetParameters,

                        1 => '&foo=bar&john=doe', //append &foo=bar&john=doe to the link to sys_language 1 in this country

                //This optional 'domainName' can be assigned, if you would like to prepend a certain domain name before your urls.
                //It overrides an automatically assigned domain from the typolink function.
                'domainName' => 'https://www.domain.tld',

                //This is optional. You need this, if you want the Germany country branch to be used as Austrian country branch, too.
                'additionalCountries' => array(isocountrycode, isocountrycode, ...),

        61 => array( //International
                'countryCode' => 'en',
                'languageMapping' => $languageMapping + array(0 => 'en'),
                'additionalGetParameters' => array(
                        1 => '&foo=bar&john=doe',
                'domainName' => '',
        111 => array( //Germany and Austria
                'countryCode' => 'de',
                'languageMapping' => $languageMapping + array(0 => 'de'),
                'additionalGetParameters' => array(
                        0 => '&foo=0',
                        1 => '&foo=1',
                        31 => '&foo=31',
                'additionalCountries' => array('at'),
                'domainName' => '',
        161 => array( //Switzerland
                'countryCode' => 'ch',
                'languageMapping' => $languageMapping + array(0 => 'de'),
                'domainName' => '',
        211 => array( //Italy
                'countryCode' => 'it',
                'languageMapping' => $languageMapping + array(0 => 'it'),

//If $_GET['L']==0, pages in this tree are rendered with hreflang="x-default", else only the isolanguagecode is used (without the isocountrycode)
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['bgm_hreflang']['defaultCountryId'] = 61;

//Cache is cleared in frontend for all related pages if no cache entry for the current page has been found.
//Here you can disable this behaviour, if you are sure the new DataHandler backend hook is enough cache clearing.
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['bgm_hreflang']['feature']['clearCacheInFrontent'] = true;

And you need some TypoScript: