
Fixtures from functional tests

To import the database fixtures to your ddev database you can mount the xml files to your ddev db container and then import them:

echo "TRUNCATE TABLE pages; LOAD XML LOCAL INFILE '/var/www/html/packages/bgm-hreflang/Tests/Functional/Fixtures/Database/pages.xml' INTO TABLE pages ROWS IDENTIFIED BY '<pages>';" | ddev import-db --no-drop
echo "TRUNCATE TABLE sys_language; LOAD XML LOCAL INFILE '/var/www/html/packages/bgm-hreflang/Tests/Functional/Fixtures/Database/sys_language.xml' INTO TABLE sys_language ROWS IDENTIFIED BY '<sys_language>';" | ddev import-db --no-drop
echo "TRUNCATE TABLE tx_bgmhreflang_page_page_mm; LOAD XML LOCAL INFILE '/var/www/html/packages/bgm-hreflang/Tests/Functional/Fixtures/Database/tx_bgmhreflang_page_page_mm.xml' INTO TABLE tx_bgmhreflang_page_page_mm ROWS IDENTIFIED BY '<tx_bgmhreflang_page_page_mm>';" | ddev import-db --no-drop

Use this TypoScript setup on the root page:


page = PAGE
page.10 = USER
page.10 {
    userFunc = BGM\BgmHreflang\Utility\HreflangTags->renderFrontendList
    stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars = 1 = 1

And use this in your AdditionalConfiguration.php:

..code:: php

$GLOBALS[‘TYPO3_CONF_VARS’][‘EXTCONF’][‘bgm_hreflang’] = array(
‘countryMapping’ => array(
2 => array( //International
‘countryCode’ => ‘en’, ‘languageMapping’ => array(0 => ‘en’), ‘domainName’ => ‘’,

), 8 => array( //Germany and Austria

‘countryCode’ => ‘de’, ‘languageMapping’ => array(0 => ‘de’), ‘additionalCountries’ => array(‘at’),

), 14 => array( //Switzerland

‘countryCode’ => ‘ch’, ‘languageMapping’ => array(0 => ‘de’, 1 => ‘it’, 2 => ‘fr’,), ‘additionalGetParameters’ => array(

0 => ‘&foo=bar’, 2 => ‘&foo=bar&john=doe’,



), ‘defaultCountryId’ => 2,


Extend bgm_hreflang

There are a lot of signals at different places in the code. Feel free to use them :-)

If you have product records in each country branch, but the EAN is the same, you could connect the products detail view automatically depending on the EAN:

//include this in your AdditionalConfiguration.php or your Theme-Extension's ext_localconf.php

See the implementation in the example script (EXT:bgm_hreflang/Documentation/Example/Products.php). Don’t forget to connect the detail view pages in the backend! This class just adds the necessary GET parameters.