PDF/A Show Case


Its's possible to render the output as a valid PDF/A document.


Be sure to disable all header data, to ensure that all HTML header output is disabled. Some variables on page properties are used to fill the meta data. The most important setting is plugin.tx_pdfviewhelpers.settings.document.pdfa = 1 to enable PDF/A mode.

pdfpage = PAGE
pdfpage {

        config {
                disableAllHeaderCode = 1
                xhtml_cleaning = 0
                admPanel = 0

        10 = FLUIDTEMPLATE
        10 {
                file = EXT:pdfviewhelpers/Resources/Public/Examples/PdfaShowCase/Template.html
                variables {
                        fileTitle = TEXT
                        fileTitle {
                                field = title
                                wrap = |.pdf

                        docTitle = TEXT
                        docTitle {
                                field = title
                                wrap = |

                        docAuthor = TEXT
                        docAuthor {
                                field = author
                                wrap = |

                        docDate = TEXT
                        docDate {
                                field = starttime
                                date = d.m.Y
                                wrap = |

                        docAbstract = TEXT
                        docAbstract {
                                field = abstract
                                wrap = |

                        docKeywords = TEXT
                        docKeywords {
                                field = keywords
                                wrap = |

plugin.tx_pdfviewhelpers.settings {
        config {
                class = Bithost\Pdfviewhelpers\Model\PdfaShowCase
                jpgQuality = 80
                fonts {
                        addTTFFont {
                                roboto {
                                        path = EXT:pdfviewhelpers/Resources/Public/Examples/FullFeatureShowCase/Roboto.ttf
                                opensans {
                                        path = EXT:pdfviewhelpers/Resources/Public/Examples/FullFeatureShowCase/OpenSans.ttf
        document {
                title = PDFa Show Case Title
                subject = No Subject
                keywords = full, feature, show, case
                outputDestination = I
                outputPath = pdfa.pdf
                pdfa = 1
        page {
                margin {
                        top = 20
                        right = 15
                        bottom = 20
                        left = 15
        generalText {
                color = #555
        headline {
                fontFamily = courier
                fontStyle = B
        list {
                color = #555
                fontStyle = I
                bulletColor = #555

module.tx_pdfviewhelpers < plugin.tx_pdfviewhelpers

Fluid Template

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
          xsi:schemaLocation="http://typo3.org/ns/Bithost/Pdfviewhelpers/ViewHelpers https://pdfviewhelpers.bithost.ch/schema/3.0.xsd"

<pdf:document outputDestination="inline" outputPath="{fileTitle}" author="{docAuthor}" title="{docTitle}" creator="PDF View Helpers" keywords="{docKeywords}" subject="{docAbstract}">
        <pdf:page autoPageBreak="0">
                <pdf:headline trim="0" color="#333" fontSize="18" fontStyle="regular" alignment="left" >Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</pdf:headline>
                        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et dolores et ea rebum.
