Version 4.0.0 - 2019/12/03

This version is a major refactoring of former release, version 3.0.1. It contains a lot of deprecations, but also adds a brand new API for retrieving secured links. Beside of that, several bugs were fixed and the documentation is finally up to date. The old, parameter-based, link generation (?eID=secure_downloads&...) has been removed and all links are now secured with a JSON Web Token. However, old links are still callable when upgrading to this version.


Download this version from the TYPO3 extension repository or from GitHub.


  • Dedicated Domain Transfer Object for extension configuration
  • Check if .htaccess files are present.
  • Use JSON Web Tokens for URL generation
  • PSR-15 Middleware for delivering files
  • Support file delivery via nginx x-accel-redirect
  • Wildcards for forcedownloadtype and securedFiletypes configuration
  • Check whether configured chunk size is larger than php memory limit
  • Secured files and directories can now be identified within the filelist module (see: Identify protected files)
  • URIs can now include umlauts
  • Hook for manipulating response header and output function
  • The file name is now present in the URL
  • Stream option for outputting files
  • Public API for getting secured URLs added (class SecureLinkFactory, see: Section below)
  • Support for TYPO3 10.2
  • Support for PHP 7.3


  • Removed dedicated ChangeLog file. All changes are documented within this extension documentation.
  • Screenshots in documentation.
  • Signals are migrated to PSR-14 event listeners. Old signals are still present (for compatibility reasons), but will be removed in further releases.
  • Labels for extension configuration were moved into dedicated language file.
  • Use TYPO3 API for manipulating links instead of HTML parsing.
  • Further properties were added to the Additional MIME type array.
  • The EnvironmentService class is used instead of TYPO3_MODE named constant.
  • The Filter and the Statistic class were moved into Transfer directory as the are Domain Transfer Objects.


  • Following classes are now deprecated:

    • \Bitmotion\SecureDownloads\Configuration\ConfigurationManager - You can use the newly introduced DTO instead.
    • \Bitmotion\SecureDownloads\Core\ObjectManager - This class is obsolete.
    • \Bitmotion\SecureDownloads\Domain\Model\Filter - You can use the Domain Transfer Object instead.
    • \Bitmotion\SecureDownloads\Domain\Model\Statistic - You can use the Domain Transfer Object instead.
    • \Bitmotion\SecureDownloads\Parser\HtmlParser - You should use the TYPO3 API for retrieving secured links.
    • \Bitmotion\SecureDownloads\Parser\HtmlParserDelegateInterface - This interface is obsolete.
    • \Bitmotion\SecureDownloads\Request\RequestContext - You can use TYPO3 core methods instead.
    • \Bitmotion\SecureDownloads\Resource\Publishing\AbstractResourcePublishingTarget - You can use the SecureLinkFactory instead.
    • \Bitmotion\SecureDownloads\Resource\Publishing\PhpDeliveryProtectedResourcePublishingTarget - You can use the SecureLinkFactory and the SecureDownloadService instead.
    • \Bitmotion\SecureDownloads\Resource\Publishing\ResourcePublisher - This class is obsolete.
    • \Bitmotion\SecureDownloads\Resource\Publishing\ResourcePublishingTargetInterface - This interface is obsolete.
    • \Bitmotion\SecureDownloads\Resource\UrlGenerationInterceptor - You can use the SecureDownloadService instead.
    • \Bitmotion\SecureDownloads\Signal - This class is obsolete.
  • Following parameters of $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['bitmotion']['secure_downloads']['output']['init'] hook:

    • $hash
    • $calculatedHash
  • The eID Script is deprecated. For compatibility reasons, old links are still working.

  • Adding additional MIME types via extension configuration is deprecated. You should add your additional MIME types by extending the $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['FileInfo']['fileExtensionToMimeType'] array.

  • Following configurations are now deprecated:

  • Output function readfile_chunked is deprecated. You should use stream instead.

  • Hook $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/secure_downloads/Classes/Service/SecureDownloadService.php']['makeSecure'] is deprecated. You can use the hook $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['bitmotion']['secure_downloads']['downloadService']['makeSecure'] instead.

  • The $pObj property of the output hook is deprecated.

  • Several properties fo the init hook are deprecated, as they are present in the object reference and accessible via getters.


  • Support for TYPO3 8 LTS
  • Apache delivery
  • Obsolete ShowImageController was removed
  • Generation of secured links with URL parameters (?eID=secure_downloads&...)
  • Deprecated properties bytesDownloaded and typo3Mode of log model
  • Deprecated hook $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/secure_downloads/class.tx_securedownloads.php']['makeSecure']. You can use the hook $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['bitmotion']['secure_downloads']['downloadService']['makeSecure'] instead.

All Changes

This is a list of all changes in this release:

2019-12-03 [TASK] Update references (Commit 917a606 by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-03 [TASK] Update dependencies (Commit d923531 by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-03 [TASK] Add release notes for version 3.0.2 (Commit fb550e7 by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-03 [BUGFIX] Use proper block styles (Commit ee18855 by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-03 [TASK] Prepare release notes (Commit a0c759b by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-03 [TASK] Allow to set additional link timeout (Commit 4f79adc by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-03 [FOLLOW-UP] Add hints for regex (Commit db7427c by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-03 [DOC] Add hints for regex (Commit b25e694 by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-03 [BUGFIX] Update include path (Commit 3d95426 by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-03 [WIP] Update documentation (Commit e61abd3 by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-03 [TASK] Remove obsolete replace entry (Commit a7be6cf by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-03 [TASK] Force slash in x-accel-redirect header (Commit 44c3850 by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-03 [TASK] Apply CS and fix some spelling mistakes (Commit 2b8dea1 by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-03 [TASK] Use newly introduced API (Commit bbf9d53 by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-03 [FEATURE] Introduce API for getting secured URLs (Commit 620e637 by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-03 [TASK] Mark ObjectManager as deprecated (Commit 50607d1 by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-03 [TASK] Support regular expressions, again (Commit faa9b9f by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-02 [FEATURE] Introduce stream as output function (Commit 9371cc0 by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-02 [BUGFIX] Store filter data in backend user session (Commit 8585d05 by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-02 [TASK] Add README file (Commit ebebdc7 by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-02 [DOC] Update documentation (Commit 24ee36e by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-02 [DOC] Update documentation (Commit 560436f by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-02 [TASK] Apply CS (Commit a8f8600 by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-02 [FEATURE] Add nginx x-accel-redirect fileDelivery mode (Commit b0db813 by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-02 [TASK] Check whether timeout is greater than null (Commit cc42607 by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-02 [BUGFIX] Force value to be integer. (Commit b16da62 by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-02 [TASK] Mark HTML parser as deprecated (Commit d634a68 by Florian Wessels)
2019-12-02 [DOC] Update documentation (Commit 5f21885 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-28 [TASK] Move changelog to documentation (Commit 04cc31a by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-27 [WIP] Update documentation (Commit 8c1dbc6 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-27 [TASK] Remove colon (Commit 3fbf302 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-27 [TASK] Spelling (Commit 7a696ec by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-27 [TASK] Add hint (Commit 7b3ec9d by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-27 [TASK] Mark request context as deprecated and use core functions (Commit 95fbe81 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-27 [TASK] Handle also processed files (Commit dc7f8f8 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-27 [TASK] Add dedicated method for getting max chunk size (Commit 30a2fce by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-27 [DOC] Add code documentation (Commit 870b07c by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-27 [TASK] Mark parsing HTML output as deprecated (Commit 914c0d5 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-26 [TASK] Update introducing php docs (Commit b8c07e6 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-26 [FEATURE] Add check for incorrect configuration (Commit 8f1ef1a by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-26 [TASK] Use PSR-14 events instead of signals (Commit b186503 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-26 [BUGFIX] Manipulate urls only for files, not for folders (Commit ae3098c by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-26 [TASK] Apply CS (Commit e102fb6 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-26 [FEATURE] Allow to force download for all file types (Commit 931dc64 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-26 [TASK] Use constants for output function (Commit 003e4ea by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-26 [TASK] Use dedicated class for detecting mime types (Commit b2def69 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-26 [BUGFIX] Spelling (Commit 0be8765 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-25 [FEATURE] Introduce wildcard for secured file types pattern (Commit a00c061 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-25 [TASK] Add further mime types as mime_content_type may be false (Commit 38e2a51 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-25 [TASK] Exit script after content was delivered (Commit 6b2d93d by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-25 [FOLLOW-UP] Move phrases into language file (Commit c5a4e32 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-25 [TASK] Move phrases into language file (Commit 70a5020 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-25 [BUGFIX] Call parent constructor only if exists (Commit 37625f3 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-25 [TASK] Introduce TYPO3 10.2 compatibility (Commit 06260f4 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-25 [TASK] Apply CS (Commit fd36bd5 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-25 [TASK] Use user aspect instead of frontend user authentication (Commit 71635e1 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-22 [TASK] Add secured url to additionalAbsRefPrefixDirectories (Commit f7aad50 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-22 [TASK] Force positive integer (Commit 6ed3506 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-22 [FEATURE] Mark secured files and folders in filelist module (Commit 5124e22 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-22 [TASK] Support urls with umlauts (Commit de6c0d1 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-22 [TASK] Remove unused code fragments (Commit df6f3f4 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-22 [TASK] Drop legacy link generation (Commit 9e6c41e by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-22 [TASK] Mark softQuoteExpression as deprecated (Commit 8304be2 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-22 [FEATURE] Add hooks for manipulating and reading JWT payload (Commit d252026 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-22 [TASK] Introduce dedicated caching classes (Commit 526dc6f by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-22 [TASK] Clean up code (Commit 40ecdce by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-22 [TASK] Rename some variables (Commit b82f3b8 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-22 [TASK] Introduce utility for handling hooks (Commit 8b9dfdc by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-22 [FEATURE] Introduce hook for manipulating output function and headers (Commit ba905ab by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-22 [TASK] Improve implementation of hooks (Commit ef8a25b by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-22 [TASK] Trim strings in getters (Commit cccd809 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-22 [TASK] Introduce decode cache for JWTs (Commit d537e7c by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-22 [TASK] Apply CS (Commit 20623e6 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-22 [BUGFIX] Do not log download twice (Commit 1c8219b by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-22 [TASK] Use EnvironmentService (Commit f26d292 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-22 [TASK] Mark several properties and setters as deprecated (Commit a2c7c69 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-22 [TASK] Get rid of debugging output (Commit 0538a9a by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-22 [TASK] Add filename to download link (Commit 649cb0f by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Mark debug option as deprecated and introduce PSR-3 Logger (Commit 60afb8b by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Prevents outputFuncSize from being larger than php memory_limit (Commit 1f17ce8 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Move Filter and Statistic to Transfer directory (Commit 7147bfd by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Connect to slot only in FE mode (Commit 251c0f0 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Remove TYPO3 Mode information from log module (Commit bfd2cb2 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [BUGFIX] Reintroduce annotations for domain model (Commit a969fb5 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Apply CS (Commit 5eb9886 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Log deprecations (Commit bf04885 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Mark furhter methods as deprecated (Commit c519e5b by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Introduce cache for generated JWTs (Commit adc551d by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Use service as singleton (Commit 4cfdd7a by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Move method for detecting secured file into SDL service (Commit b47b8b4 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Use html parser only as backup for link protection (Commit f4d22c7 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Remove obsolete ShowImageController (Commit a77ac69 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Update changelog (Commit 9d7f260 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Use environment class for retrieving OS (Commit 731e680 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Initialize FE user authentication only in eID context (Commit 86e80d2 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Mark eID script as deprecated (Commit 69e806c by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [BUGFIX] Use proper value for gettint mime type (Commit 892ec85 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [FEATURE] Introduce PSR-15 middleware for secured files (Commit 5022f04 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Update changelog (Commit 8fa24ce by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Remove todos and add missing semicolon (Commit b95601f by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Mark hash property as deprecated (Commit 75f625b by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Use proper variable name (Commit ae339c0 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [BUGFIX] Rename variable (Commit d1de093 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Use fileinfo extension for getting mime types if available (Commit 5d19053 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Use pathinfo for retrieving file extension (Commit 314dd29 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Add some deprecation notices (Commit 2f416fb by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [FOLLOW-UP] Rename some variables and remove obsolte code (Commit 57bd7c8 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Use configuration DTO (Commit e28cea5 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [FOLLOW-UP] Rename some variables and remove obsolte code (Commit 33aded6 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [CLEAN-UP] Rename some variables and remove obsolte code (Commit 3772384 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Provide JWT library for non composer setups (Commit f3d9f49 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [FEATURE] Introduce link generation with JWTs (Commit affa6fa by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Remove cookieName as it is not used (Commit 42ee458 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-21 [TASK] Mark actual link generation as deprecated (Commit 6cde671 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-20 [TASK] Update changelog (Commit f05cde5 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-20 [TASK] Remove upload from default secured dirextories (Commit 5d7b325 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-20 [TASK] Use stronger operator (Commit 85f8887 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-20 [TASK] Remove deprecated hook (Commit 5af4be5 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-20 [TASK] Get rid of PATH_site constant (Commit d783af0 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-20 [TASK] Use HttpUtility for exiting script (Commit 203f12a by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-20 [CLEAN-UP] Remove blank lines (Commit 0ec4d44 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-20 [TASK] Use new extension configuration DTO (Commit 5dae1b5 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-20 [TASK] Add missing return types (Commit 24a8249 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-20 [BREAKING] Drop TYPO3 8 LTS support (Commit a335bfd by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-20 [FOLLOW-UP] Update php docs for classes (Commit 310f9f2 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-20 [TASK] Mark ConfigurationManager as deprecated (Commit 277202b by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-20 [TASK] Introduce transfer object for extension configuration (Commit 1e2fcd1 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-20 [TASK] Remove deprecated properties of log model (Commit 9392886 by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-20 [TASK] Update php docs for classes (Commit 3ec5b4f by Florian Wessels)
2019-11-20 [BREAKING] Drop apache delivery support (Commit 8fbe283 by Florian Wessels)


Following people have contributed to this release:

  • Sebastian Afeldt
  • Jan-Michael Loew
  • Florian Wessels

Thank you very much for your support. The next beer is on us! 🍻