Using the API

Target group: Developers

With the extension’s API you can define the structured markup with PHP. For example, create a class which gets an Extbase model as input and defines the markup. Then instantiate the class in an action of your controller.

Each type model class in the PHP namespace Brotkrueml\Schema\Model\Type inherits from the abstract class Brotkrueml\Schema\Core\Model\AbstractType which defines methods to set and get the properties of a model.

There are currently over 600 models available.

Starting with an Example

Let’s start with a simple example. Imagine you describe a person on a plugin’s detail page that you want to enrich with structured markup. First you have to create the schema model:

$person = new \Brotkrueml\Schema\Model\Type\Person();

As you see, the schema type Person maps to the model Person. You can use every accepted type of the vocabulary.

Surely you will need to add some properties:

   ->setProperty('givenName', 'John')
   ->setProperty('familyName', 'Smith')
   ->setProperty('gender', '');

That was easy … let’s go on and define the company the person works for:

$corporation = (new \Brotkrueml\Schema\Model\Type\Corporation())
   ->setProperty('name', 'Acme Ltd.')
   ->setProperty('image', 'https:/')
   ->setProperty('url', '')
   ->setProperty('sameAs', '')
   ->addProperty('sameAs', '')

Now we have to connect the two types together:

$person->setProperty('worksFor', $corporation);

The defined models are ready to embed on the web page. The schema manager does that for you:

$schemaManager = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(

That’s it … if you call the according page the structured markup is embedded automatically into the head section:

   "@context": "",
   "@type": "Person",
   "@id": "",
   "givenName": "John",
   "familyName": "Smith",
   "gender": "",
   "worksFor": {
      "@type": "Corporation",
      "name": "Acme Ltd.",
      "image": "",
      "url": "",
      "sameAs": ["", ""]

The Model In-Depth

The type models expose several methods:

->setId(string $id)

The method sets the unique ID of the model. With the ID, you can cross-reference types on the same page or between different pages (and even between different web sites) without repeating all the properties.

It is common to use an IRI as ID like in the above example. Please keep in mind that the ID should be consistent between changes of the properties, e.g. if a person marries and the name is changed. The person is still the same, so the IRI should be.

The IRI is no URL, so it is acceptable to give a “404 Not Found” back if you call it in a browser.


Parameter Description
string $id The unique id to set

Return value:

Returns a reference to itself.


Return value:

A previously set id or null (if not set).

->setProperty(string $propertyName, $propertyValue)

You call this method to set a property or override a previously one.


Parameter Description
string $propertyName The property name to set. If the property does not exist in the model, an exception is thrown.
string | array | AbstractType $propertyValue The value of the property to set. This can be a string, another model or an array of strings or models. Also null is possible to clear the property value.

Return value:

Returns a reference to the model itself.

->addProperty(string $propertyName, $propertyValue)

Call this method if you want to add a value to an existing one. In the example above, you can see that addProperty is used to add a second value to the sameAs property.

Calling the addProperty method on a property that has no value assigned has the same effect as calling setProperty. So you can safely use it, e.g. in a loop, to set some values on a property.


Parameter Description
string $propertyName The property name to set. If the property does not exist in the model, an exception is thrown.
string | array | AbstractType $propertyValue The value of the property to set. This can be a string, another model or an array of strings or models. Also null is possible to clear the property value.

Return value:

Returns a reference to the model itself.

->setProperties(array $properties)

Set multiple properties at once.


Parameter Description
array $properties The properties to set. The key of the array is the property name, the value is the property value. Allowed as values are the same as with the method ->setProperty().

Return value:

Returns a reference to the model itself.

->getProperty(string $propertyName)

Get the value of a property.


Parameter Description
string $propertyName The property name to get the value from. If the property name does not exist in the model, an exception is thrown.

Return value:

The value of the property (string, model, array of strings, array of models, null).

->hasProperty(string $propertyName)

Check whether the property name exists in a particular model.


Parameter Description
string $propertyName The property name to check.

Return value:

true, if the property exists and false, otherwise.

->clearProperty(string $propertyName)

Resets the value of the property (set it to null).


Parameter Description
string $propertyName The property name to set. If the property does not exist in the model, an exception is thrown.

Return value:

Returns a reference to the model itself.


Return value:

Return all property names of the model in an array.


Checks, whether all properties of the models are empty.

Return value:

true if all properties have an empty value, false otherwise.