User manual

Frontend users

Frontend users can be linked to Bexio contacts by assigning a contact id to the field tx_bexio_id. In many cases a contact representing a person is associated with a contact representing a company. Such relations are reflected by assigning the company contact reference to the field tx_bexio_company_id.

The tx_bexio_id and tx_bexio_company_id fields can be assigned manually, by the bexio:updateusers command or via the API.



Use the -h option to show details for a command


Create an invoice interactively for frontend user with uid 1
path/to/bin/typo3 bexio:createinvoice default invoice 1
Process invoice payments by emitting an event
path/to/bin/typo3 bexio:processpayments
Update paid and get pending invoices
path/to/bin/typo3 bexio:updateinvoices


Update all frontend users that are already linked to a bexio contact
path/to/bin/typo3 bexio:updateusers




When using the option -a you will be asked to provide the arguments for the method call. Separate each argument by a line. Each argument will be json decoded.

Send an invoice with the arguments below
path/to/bin/typo3 bexio:query -a default invoice sendInvoice
Json encoded arguments to send the invoice 137 to
{"recipient_email": "", "subject": "Invoice from command", "message": "Here it is: [Network Link]", "mark_as_open": false}
Get invoice and save it as test.pdf
path/to/bin/typo3 bexio:query -a -f test.pdf -r default invoice getPdf
Get all available languages
path/to/bin/typo3 bexio:query default other getLanguages


Write bexio settings in yaml format to settings.yaml
path/to/bin/typo3 bexio:settings -f settings.yaml default