
Follow these steps to authenticate the app and use the console commands as well as the API.

  1. Url segment challenge

    Create a url segment challenge consisting of lower case letters and numbers with about 20 characters.

  2. Create an app

    • Login to and create an app.

    • The redirect URL has the scheme:

      []/bexio-auth-[url segment challenge]

      Replace [] with your domain and [url segment challenge] with a cryptic value created in the previous step.

    • Take note from the Client ID and the Client Secret.

  3. Create site configuration

    • Create a bexio folder in your site directory. In case the site identifier is default the directory hierarchy would be config/sites/default/bexio.

    • Create a bexio configuration file config/sites/default/bexio/site.yaml.

    • Include the bexio configuration file in config/sites/default/config.yaml by adding the following lines on the bottom:

        - { resource: './bexio/site.yaml' }
    • Copy the following configuration into the bexio configuration file (config/sites/default/bexio/site.yaml) and set the urlSegmentChallenge, the clientId as well as the clientSecret with the values obtained in the previous steps:

        urlSegmentChallenge: muhh
        clientId: 11111111-1111-1111-11111111111111111
        clientSecret: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaa-aaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
        scopes: ['openid', 'profile', 'contact_edit', 'offline_access', 'kb_invoice_edit', 'bank_payment_edit']
  4. Clear the cache

    This is needed since the site configuration changed.

  5. Authenticate the app

    Load the Redirect URL defined for the bexio app in a browser. The url has the following structure:

    []/bexio-auth-[url segment challenge]

  6. Finalize site configuration

    Add the remaining site configuration properties to the bexio configuration file config/sites/default/bexio/site.yaml.

  7. Use it...

    Use the console commands as well as the API.