Q: How can I change the design (colors, header, footer, etc.)?
A: The easiest way is to change TS constants through the constant editor.
Watch out for categories starting with PIZPALUE:
. Please note that changes
are applied to the page where the constant is defined and all sub-pages.
Q: I have to adapt more aspects from the template for my project. As well it would be good to use Git in the work flow. What is the best way to do it?
A: For that purpose an extension should be used. An example extension is available at Github.
Q: The start page uses a sticky header. How can I get a sticky header on all pages?
A: The extension user_pizpalue defines this behaviour
(see typo3conf/ext/user_pizpalue/Configuration/TypoScript/constants.typoscript
with a condition. The easiest way to overrule it is by changing the TS constant
section Menu). Alternatively the extension user_pizpalue might be adapted.
Q: How can I get rid of the breadcrumb menu?
A: At this time PIZPALUE doesn't provide a constant for it. You might change it by selecting the constant category BOOTSTRAP PACKAGE: NAVIGATION (constant title "Breadcrumb").
Q: How can I use an other font in the main menu?
A: See bootstrap package wiki pages