Changelog for release 2.0.0


  • [BUGFIX] Correct controller action redirects (01.08.2023, 6df09b2 by Roman Büchler)

Breaking changes

[TASK][!!!] Change markdown parser (02.06.2023, 6c12c2f by Roman Büchler)


The markdown parser from erusev/parsedown didn't get updates anymore. As a result it has been replaced with league/commonmark. The new parser doesn't provide a configuration option to convert line breaks into br-tags. Instead two tailing spaces can be used on the preceding row.

Corrective action

Add two trailing spaces to leading rows.


Generated by:

git log v1.7.2..HEAD --pretty="* %s (%cd, %h by %an)" --date=format:%d.%m.%Y --abbrev-commit --grep

Note: The above list contains just commits marked with [FEATURE], [BUGFIX] and [!!!]. Complementary commits are available at Github.