For tests you first need to prepare a local typo3 instance for testing inside this extensions root folder using composer.
You can install different TYPO3 versions for testing. From inside the extension folder (typo3conf/ext/c1_adaptive_images):
for 9.5.x:
composer require typo3/minimal=^9.5 && git checkout composer.json
for 10.4.x:
composer require typo3/minimal=^10.4 && git checkout composer.json
Unit tests should just work OOTB with: composer tests:unit
Functional and acceptance tests require a working mysql database where the testuser is allowed to create tables. Also some environment variables are required (adapt to your database credentials):
# export typo3DatabaseName=testing
# export typo3DatabaseUsername=testing
# export typo3DatabasePassword=testing
# export typo3DatabaseHost=
export typo3DatabaseDriver=pdo_sqlite
export TYPO3_PATH_ROOT=$PWD/.Build/public/
For acceptance tests¶
you also need to start a local webserver serving from the test-instance. This can be done with the builtin webserver in php:
cd typo3conf/ext/c1_adaptive_images
php -S -t .Build/public/
Also selenium or chromedriver is required.
Start chromedriver with:
chromedriver --url-base=wd/hub