
Breaking changes

No breaking changes.

All Changes

This is a list of all changes in this release:

9589c93 [FEATURE] Add synchronization status visualization
abcae2e [TASK] Add rector/rector
59234b6 [BUGFIX] Add an encryption key for phpunit runs
60d4419 [TASK] Normalize composer.json with ergebnis/composer-normalize
5dad4e6 [FEATURE] Add new project builder script
0c465cb [TASK] Raise version to 2.1.0-dev
19d2101 [TASK] Fix cgl issues
a763693 [TASK] Uee GitHub CI
7ee9e86 [BUGFIX] Automatically remove docker containers
8bc64b5 [TASK] Raise version to 2.0.3-dev

Generated with git log 2.0.2..HEAD --oneline --no-decorate