Extend the Sitemap.xml

The sitemap.xml generation in cs_seo is very flexible. Here is shown how to extend the sitemap.xml for extensions and with external sitemaps.

Add TypoScript for news

Include the TypoScript from cs_seo called “Sitemap.xml for News”. The reference you’ll find here: Sitemap for news records.

Add TypoScript for records

To add records from your own extension you can easily add the following TypoScript.

# default configuration to show a sitemap.xml for tx_news records #
plugin.tx_csseo.sitemap {
            extensions {
                    # configuration for an extension, the name is an identifier
                    myext {
                            # string; the table name where the records are stored
                            table = tx_myext_domain_model_entry

                            # string; will be attached to the typolink, more params are possible, the last one is the record param
                            additionalParams = tx_myext_pi1[entry]

                            # string; add custom query options : title LIKE '%top%'
                            additionalWhereClause =

                            # comma separated list; page uid where are the records stored
                            storagePid =

                            # int; page uid where the details are shown
                            detailPid =

                            # comma separated list; configure the available languages, e.g.: 0,1
                            languageUids =

                            # comma separated list; display only records with this categories
                            categories =

                            # string; if categories were saved in the same table, set here the field name
                            categoryField =

                            # string; if categories were saved in a MM-Table set here the name of the table
                            categoryMMTable = sys_category_record_mm

                            # boolean; true if the MM table has a column 'tablenames' which contains the current record table
                            categoryMMTablenames = 1

                            # string; if set the column 'fieldname' of the MM-table must be this
                            categoryMMFieldname = categories

Add more external sitemaps

If you wish to set the whole page to noindex, e.g. for development, you can use the following TS.

plugin.tx_csseo.sitemap {
        additional {
                # addition external sitemaps:
                10 = https://mysite.com/sitemap-blog.xml

Don’t to forget to remove this TypoScript in production.