
To install the extension, perform the following steps:

  1. Download and install the extension via Extension Manager or Composer
  2. Include the TypoScript from the extension! This is shown in the screenshot below. Include optionally “Sitemap.xml for news” if you use tx_news.
  3. Insert a domain record at the root page.
  4. Make some initial configurations, see Configuration.
  5. Run the Scheduler Task to evaluate all pages initially, see Scheduler Task.
  6. Take a look to Trouble shooting. Be aware that we force L=0 in URLs.


!If you forgot to include the TypoScript, you will get an error if you open the page settings!

Scheduler Task

After the extensions is configured you can run a scheduler task to evaluate all pages at once. Therefore choose the Extbase-CommandController-Task (extbase) and then the task CsSeo Evaluation: update. Save and run the task.