Extending Field Types

Content Blocks already comes with pre-defined Field Types. You should utilize them as much as possible. But in case you need special types which cannot be covered from the basic ones, it is possible to extend these with your own types.

When to add new field types

You can add own field types whenever you have fields with a distinct set of configuration options set. These options can be set as default in your type so you gain a semantic naming for this field. For example type Money could be the core type Number with format set to decimal as default value.

Another use case is having a custom made TCA renderType, which is not covered by existing field types. This could be e.g. TCA type user with a custom renderType. This way it is possible to use the renderType as a first-class type in Content Blocks.

Adding a new Field Type

To add a new Field Type it is required to implement the \TYPO3\CMS\ContentBlocks\FieldType\FieldTypeInterface. Have a look at the Core implementations to get a feeling on how to implement them.

interface FieldTypeInterface
    public static function createFromArray(array $settings): FieldTypeInterface;
    public function getTca(): array;
    public function getSql(string $column): string;
    public static function getName(): string;
    public static function getTcaType(): string;
    public static function isSearchable(): bool;
    public static function hasItems(): bool;


The incoming $settings array is the converted YAML definition. Apply your logic here to instantiate a new type.


As the name suggests, you generate your TCA config here. This can be done based on the settings provided when createFromArray was called. Of course this can also be a static configuration, if you don't want to provide any settings.


The SQL definition for your database column. Use $column as the column name. Return empty string to fall back to standard definition.


This is the actual type identifier for usage in the YAML type option. It is recommended to use UpperCamelCase, but it's not required.


The TCA type, the new Content Blocks type is based on.


Whether the field contents should be searchable in global search.


Example for a field type "Money".



namespace VENDOR\MyExtension\FieldType;

use TYPO3\CMS\ContentBlocks\FieldType\FieldTypeInterface;
use TYPO3\CMS\ContentBlocks\FieldType\WithCommonProperties;

final class MoneyFieldType implements FieldTypeInterface
    use WithCommonProperties;

    private float $default = 0.00;
    private bool $required = false;
    private bool $nullable = false;

    public static function getName(): string
        return 'Money';

    public static function getTcaType(): string
        return 'number';

    public static function isSearchable(): bool
        return false;

    public static function createFromArray(array $settings): self
        $self = new self();
        $default = $settings['default'] ?? $self->default;
        $self->default = (float)$default;
        $self->required = (bool)($settings['required'] ?? $self->required);
        $self->nullable = (bool)($settings['nullable'] ?? $self->nullable);
        return $self;

    public function getTca(): array
        $tca = $this->toTca();
        $config['type'] = self::getTcaType();
        if ($this->default !== 0.0) {
            $config['default'] = $this->default;
        if ($this->required) {
            $config['required'] = true;
        $config['format'] = 'decimal';
        $tca['config'] = array_replace($tca['config'] ?? [], $config);
        return $tca;

    public function getSql(string $column): string
        $null = ' NOT NULL';
        if ($this->nullable) {
            $null = '';
        return "`$column` decimal(10,2) DEFAULT '0.00'" . $null;