
In order to register a new Content Block, a folder ContentBlocks has to be created on the root level inside a loaded extension. Depending on the Content Type you want to create, you place the new Content Block into a dedicated folder. These are named ContentElements, PageTypes and RecordTypes.

Content Blocks reside in the ContentBlocks folder of an extension
├── Classes
├── Configuration
├── ContentBlocks
│   ├── ContentElements
│   │   ├── block1
│   │   └── block2
│   ├── PageTypes
│   │   ├── block3
│   │   └── block4
│   └── RecordTypes
│       ├── block5
│       └── block6
├── Resources
└── composer.json

The system loads them automatically as soon as it finds any folder inside these directories, which has a file with the name EditorInterface.yaml inside. Refer to the YAML reference, on how to define this file.
