.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _field_type_checkbox: ======== Checkbox ======== :php:`type => 'check' // TCA` The :yaml:`Checkbox` type generates one or more checkbox fields. Settings ======== .. confval:: default :name: checkbox-default :Required: false :Type: integer (bit value) :Default: "0" The default value corresponds to a bit value. If you only have one checkbox having 1 or 0 will work to turn it on or off by default. For more than one checkbox you need to calculate the bit representation. .. confval:: items :name: checkbox-items :Required: false :Type: array Only necessary if more than one checkbox is desired. Contains the checkbox elements as separate array items. The `label` can also be defined as a LLL-reference. Example: .. code-block:: yaml items: - label: 'The first' - label: 'The second' - label: 'The third' XLF translation keys for items have the following convention: .. code-block:: xml Label for first Checkbox item Label for second Checkbox item Label for nth Checkbox item .. confval:: renderType :name: checkbox-renderType :Required: false :Type: string :Default: check * :yaml:`checkboxToggle` * :yaml:`checkboxLabeledToggle` .. confval:: allowedCustomProperties :name: checkbox-allowedCustomProperties :Required: false :Type: array :Default: ["itemsProcConfig"] Sometimes it is needed to provide custom configuration for the :ref:`itemsProcFunc ` functionality. These extra properties need to be explicitly allowed via this option. This option receives an array of those strings. By default, the custom option :yaml:`itemsProcConfig` is allowed. For advanced configuration refer to the :ref:`TCA documentation `. Examples ======== Minimal ------- .. code-block:: yaml name: example/checkbox fields: - identifier: checkbox type: Checkbox Advanced / use case ------------------- Multiple checkboxes: .. code-block:: yaml name: example/checkbox fields: - identifier: checkbox type: Checkbox items: - label: 'The first' - label: 'The second' - label: 'The third' default: 2 cols: 3 Toggle checkbox: .. code-block:: yaml name: example/checkbox fields: - identifier: toggle type: Checkbox renderType: checkboxToggle default: 1 Labeled toggle checkbox: .. code-block:: yaml name: example/checkbox fields: - identifier: toggle type: Checkbox renderType: checkboxLabeledToggle items: - label: 'Your label' labelChecked: 'Label checked' labelUnchecked: 'Label unchecked' invertStateDisplay: true