.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _field_type_relation: ======== Relation ======== :php:`type => 'group' // TCA` The :yaml:`Relation` type can handle relations to other record types. They will be available to select from the Record Selector. Settings ======== .. confval:: allowed :name: relation-allowed :Required: true :Type: string (table name, comma-separated) One or more tables, that should be referenced. This table can be defined by another Content Block, but can also be an existing table defined by the Core or another extension. .. confval:: maxitems :name: relation-maxitems :Required: false :Type: integer Maximum number of items. Defaults to a high value. JavaScript record validation prevents the record from being saved if the limit is not satisfied. .. confval:: minitems :name: relation-minitems :Required: false :Type: integer Minimum number of items. Defaults to 0. JavaScript record validation prevents the record from being saved if the limit is not satisfied. The field can be set as required by setting `minitems` to at least 1. For more advanced configuration refer to the :ref:`TCA documentation `. Examples ======== Minimal ------- .. code-block:: yaml name: example/relation fields: - identifier: record_select type: Relation allowed: 'some_table' Advanced / use case ------------------- .. code-block:: yaml name: example/relation fields: - identifier: page_select type: Relation allowed: 'pages' maxitems: 1 suggestOptions: default: additionalSearchFields: 'nav_title, url' addWhere: 'AND pages.doktype = 1'