.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _field_type_uuid: ==== Uuid ==== :php:`type => 'uuid' // TCA` The :yaml:`Uuid` type is for a text input which contains an uuid value. Settings ======== .. confval:: size :name: uuid-size :Required: false :Type: integer :Default: 30 Size for the input field. Min value is 10 and max value is 50. .. confval:: version :name: uuid-version :Required: false :Type: integer :Default: 4 Version for the uuid. Please have a look at the `Symphony Documentation `__ for more information. .. confval:: enableCopyToClipboard :name: uuid-enableCopyToClipboard :Required: false :Type: boolean :Default: true If set to false, the button for copying the uuid into the clipboard will not be rendered. Examples ======== Minimal ------- .. code-block:: yaml name: example/uuid fields: - identifier: uuid type: Uuid Advanced / use case ------------------- .. code-block:: yaml name: example/uuid fields: - identifier: uuid type: Uuid size: 50 version: 7 enableCopyToClipboard: false