.. include:: /Includes.rst.txt .. _yaml_reference_common: =================== Common root options =================== .. confval:: name :name: root-name :Required: true :Type: string Every editing interface configuration must contain exactly one name. The name is made up of vendor and content block name separated by a `/` just like the `vendor/package` notation in a traditional composer.json file. It must be unique and must have at least 3 characters. Both parts, the vendor and content block name, have to be lowercase and be separated by a dash `-`. .. code-block:: yaml name: my-vendor/my-content-block-name .. confval:: title :name: root-title :Required: false :Type: string This is the title of the Content Block. If you have a Labels.xlf file, you should define it there with the key :xml:`title`. If both are defined, the translation file has precedence. If nothing is defined, the title falls back to :yaml:`name`. .. code-block:: yaml title: "My super duper Content Block" .. confval:: prefixFields :name: root-prefixFields :Required: false :Type: boolean :Default: true The default behavior is to convert the both :yaml:`name` parts into a prefix. All dashes are removed in this process and the parts are combined with an underscore to prevent collisions. In order to better reuse fields between Content Blocks, it can be useful to deactivate this option. Read more about :ref:`reusing fields here `. .. code-block:: yaml prefixFields: false .. confval:: prefixType :name: root-prefixType :Required: false :Type: string :Default: full Determines how to prefix the field if :yaml:`prefixFields` is enabled. Can be either :yaml:`full` (default) or :yaml:`vendor`. The latter removes the second part of :yaml:`name` from the prefix. .. code-block:: yaml prefixFields: true prefixType: vendor .. confval:: vendorPrefix :name: root-vendorPrefix :Required: false :Type: string If set, this prefix will be used instead of the vendor part of :yaml:`name`. This is especially useful if you want to adhere to the best practice of prefixing fields with **tx_extension**. .. code-block:: yaml vendorPrefix: tx_sitepackage .. confval:: priority :name: root-priority :Required: false :Type: integer :Default: "0" The priority can be used to prioritize certain Content Blocks in the loading order. Higher priorities will be loaded before lower ones. This affects e.g. the order in the "New Content Element Wizard". .. code-block:: yaml # This Content Block will be displayed before others without a priority set. priority: 10 .. note:: The **default** loading order is **undefined** and depends on the (file-)system and the order, in which extensions are loaded. .. confval:: fields :name: root-fields :Required: false :Type: array The main entry point for the field definitions. Fields defined in this array are displayed in the backend exactly in the same order. You can create new custom fields or reuse existing ones, which are defined via TCA. Learn :ref:`here ` what is needed to define a field. .. code-block:: yaml fields: - identifier: my_field type: Text