Getting started

Rendering of Twig templates works nearly exactly the same way as rendering Fluid templates.

In contrast to Fluid there are no “layouts” nor “partials” in Twig. Everything is “just” a template. Therefore there are some features missing that you are probably used by Fluid.

Render templates in TypoScript

To render a Twig template you can use the TWIGTEMPLATE content object.

page.10 {
    templateName = example.html.twig
    variables {
        foo = TEXT
        foo.value = Bar!
    templateRootPaths {
        10 = EXT:cvc_twig/Resources/Private/TwigTemplates/

Render templates in an Extbase controller

If you want to use twig from within your controller, you just have to switch the $defaultViewObjectName to \Cvc\Typo3\CvcTwig\Extbase\Mvc\View\TwigView. See the example below.

The template file will be automatically set to @controller/@action.@format.twig. The templateRootPaths that are defined for extbase will be respected. You should not forget to configure those using TypoScript.

Given you have the following controller; you just have to set the $defaultViewObjectName to the TwigView class.


// my_extension/Classes/Controller/MyFantasticalController.php

class MyFantasticalController extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\ActionController
    // setting the default view object class to TwigView will enable the Twig templates
    protected $defaultViewObjectName = \Cvc\Typo3\CvcTwig\Extbase\Mvc\View\TwigView::class;

    public function someAwesomeAction()
        // assign the variables as usual
        $this->view->assign('foo', 'BAZ!');

The templateRootPaths are configured using TypoScript:

plugin.tx_my_extension {
    view {
        templateRootPaths.0 = EXT:my_extension/Resources/Private/Templates/

The Twig template has to be paced in my_extension/Resources/Private/Templates/ and has to be named MyFantastical/someAwesome.html.twig.

{# my_extension/Resources/Private/Templates/MyFantastical/someAwesome.html.twig #}

Foo: {{ foo }}