Administrator Manual

Target group: Administrators

Installing and configuring this extension is pretty straight forward. There are only a few things that can be configured.


To install the extension, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Extension Manager
  2. Install the extension
  3. Load the static template


Most configuration is done via TypoScript constants which are editable in the constant editor in the TYPO3 backend.

  • The TemplateRootPath can be overwritten with constant {$plugin.tx_fscodesnippet.view.templateRootPath}. However the fallback mechanism of

FLUIDTEMPLATE could be used as well to override the default template.

  • In the constant editor the theme of the code snippet can be adjusted according to the themes shipped by prism.js.
  • Line numbers are enabled by default. They can be disabled globally with the constant {$plugin.tx_fscodesnippet.settings.lineNumbers}.

It is also possible to enable all programming languages supported by prism.js. This can only be done in the extension manager module.


Please be aware that the included JavaScript file will have a size of roughly 230kb instead of 60kb if this option is activated.