
plugin.tx_datamintsfeuser_pi1 {
    showtype = register
    // Displayed fields.
    usedfields = username,password,image,--separator--,usergroup,--submit--
    // Required fields.
    requiredfields = username,password,usergroup
    // Unique fields.
    uniquefields = username,email

    register {
        // The pid in which the user are saved, and the default usergroup.
        userfolder = 12
        usergroup = 4
        // Generate a password with the given length.
        generatepassword.mode = 1
        generatepassword.length = 8
        // Perform a double-opt-in.
        approvalcheck = doubleoptin
        // The content type of the email (text or html).
        mailtype = text
        // The path to the template file.
        emailtemplate = fileadmin/templates/datamints_feuser_mail.html
        // The name und email address of the sender.
        sendername = mein-seite.com
        sendermail = info@my-site.com
        // The name and email address of the admin.
        adminname = Admin Armin
        adminmail = admin.armin@my-site.com

    redirect {
        // The page id to which the user is redirected after registration.
        register_success = 13

    validate {
        // Validate the password field with the predefined password type.
        password.type = password
        password.length = 6
        // Validate the email field with the predefined email type.
        email.type = email
        // Validate the username field with the predefined username type.
        username.type = usernames
        // States which input values are valid.
        usergroup.type = custom
        usergroup.regexp = /^(1|2|3|4|5)$/

    fieldconfig {
        usergroup.config {
            // Make a single select box.
            size = 1
            // Show only the selected entries.
            foreign_table = fe_groups
            foreign_table_where = uid IN(1,2,3,4,5)
            // Add a item to the select box with the value 0.
            items {
                0 {
                    0 = --- Please choose ---
                    1 = 0

    _LOCAL_LANG.default {
        // Change the label of the usergroup field.
        usergroup = Your group:
        // This error appears if no value is entered from the user.
        usergroup_error_required = You have to choose a group!
        // This error appears if the entered value does not match the defined validation.
        usergroup_error_valid = An invalid group has been chosen!