
The AccessUtility can be used to determine permissions of the current user to warm up caches of specific sites or pages.

class EliasHaeussler\Typo3Warming\Utility\AccessUtility

Utility class to determine cache warmup permissions.

canWarmupCacheOfPage($pageId, $languageId = null)

Check if the current user can warm up caches of the given page.

  • $pageId (int) -- ID of the page to be checked.

  • $languageId (int) -- Optional language ID to be included in the check.

Return type


canWarmupCacheOfSite($site, $languageId = null)

Check if the current user can warm up caches of the given site.

  • $site (TYPO3\CMS\Core\Site\Entity\Site) -- The site to be checked.

  • $languageId (int) -- Optional language ID to be included in the check.

Return type


See also

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