
This extension currently provides exactly one PSR-14 event, which can be used to easily change the data retrieved from a feed. This is especially useful when the feed is a bit more complex.

Add an event listener

To use the event, you must first create an event listener class where you use your own logic to modify the properties of the SimplePie items. Finally, these custom properties can be used in Fluid:


namespace VendorName\Sitepackage\EventListener;

use ErHaWeb\FeedDisplay\Event\SingleFeedDataEvent;

class SingleFeedDisplayListener
    public function __invoke(SingleFeedDataEvent $event): void
        // Get the array of properties of the current SimplePie item
        $itemProperties = $event->getItemProperties();

        // Get the current SimplePie item
        $feedItem = $event->getItem();

        // Get the extension Settings
        $settings = $event->getSettings();

        // Get the current SimplePie feed
        $feed = $event->getFeed();

        // Make any changes to the item properties here, e.g.:
        foreach (['jobLocation', 'companyLogo', 'companyName'] as $extraField) {
            $tag = $feedItem->get_item_tags('', $extraField);
            if (is_array($tag)) {
                $itemProperties[$extraField] = trim((string)($tag[0]['data'] ?? ''));

        // Set the item properties

Register the event listener

To register your event listener, simply add the following lines to your Configuration/Services.yaml file:

      - name: event.listener

Since the above listener implementation has the event type in the method signature, the event tag can be omitted. If you don't want to use the FQCN as identifier for the event listener, you can additionally assign any identifier via the identifier tag. For more information on registering event listeners, see Registering the event listener via Services.yaml.


Thanks to Georg Ringer for contributing this feature.