1.1.0 - October 19, 2023

Breaking changes

Services are not IRRE records anymore. Please make a DB compare and reassign the services to the configuration.

All Changes

This is a list of all changes in this release:

2023-10-19 [FEATURE] Replace service IRRE relation by standalone records (Commit 76a98ec by Eric Harrer)
2023-10-19 [TASK] Allow tables on page tree, root and standard pages (Commit aadf777 by Eric Harrer)
2023-10-19 [TASK] Add more service presets (Commit 9d74448 by Eric Harrer)
2023-10-19 [TASK] Add show/reset buttons and "klaro configuration name" options (Commit a95f04b by Eric Harrer)
2023-10-19 [BUGFIX] Fix null pointer error in klaro script (Commit b14d786 by Eric Harrer)
2023-10-19 [TASK] Add more service presets (Commit 5030593 by Eric Harrer)
2023-10-19 [TASK] Update label for "cookie" item (Commit 06b6dc4 by Eric Harrer)
2023-10-19 [TASK] Remove unnecessary "resname" attributes from XLIFF files (Commit e3a8bf9 by Eric Harrer)
2023-10-19 [TASK] Add missing option "noAutoLoad" (Commit 811b7e7 by Eric Harrer)

This list has been created by using git log $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..HEAD --abbrev-commit --pretty='%ad %s (Commit %h by %an)' --date=short.