
Download via Extension Manager

In the TYPO3 Backend go to Admin Tools > Extensions. Change in the dropdown on the top left to ‘Get Extensions’, enter the extension key ‘ew_socialfeedwall’ in the text field below the headline ‘Get Extensions’ and hit go. In the result list install the extension by hitting the action for that.

Download via Composer

Add evoweb/ew-socialfeedwall to the require in your composer.json like in the following example and run ‘composer install’.

        "require": {
                "typo3/cms-core": "^11.0",
                "evoweb/ew-socialfeedwall": "*",

Alternatively if you have an existing project with a configured composer.json you can add ew-socialfeedwall with the command by running ‘composer require evoweb/ew-socialfeedwall’.