
Customize the output:

Per default, all templates are stored in


Copy this Folder into the fileadmin and edit the templates you want to change. Don’t forget to set the path to this new templates folder with

plugin.tx_sfregister.templateRootPath = fileadmin/extension_templates/sf_register/Private

The Plugins can take the path as well.

Viewhelper for templates:

Birthdate with three select boxes

<register:form.rangeSelect start="1" end="31" property="dateOfBirthDay"/>
<register:form.rangeSelect start="1" end="12" property="dateOfBirthMonth"/>
<register:form.rangeSelect start="1960" end="2011" property="dateOfBirthYear"/>


Single select with radio buttons

<f:form.radio property="gender" value="1"/> <f:translate key="gender_male"/>
<f:form.radio property="gender" value="2"/> <f:translate key="gender_female"/>


Single select as select box

<f:form.select property="gender" options="{
     1: '{f:translate(key: \'gender_male\')}',
     2: '{f:translate(key: \'gender_female\')}'


automatic marking of requried fields

<f:render partial="required" arguments="{field: 'gender'}"/>

you get the asterix (*) behind your label, if the required validator is active for this field.