
Use your own flavor of fields

Since version 8.8.0 its easier then ever to user your own fields. Just add your partial folder via typoscript and register your own field configuration. After that you need to tell the user ts config that the new type is available to be selected in the plugin too.


plugin.tx_sfregister.view.partialRootPaths.50 = EXT:your_extension/Resources/Private/Partials/
plugin.tx_sfregister.settings.fields.configuration {
   your_field_key {
      partial = YourFieldKey
      backendLabel = LLL:EXT:your_extension/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_be.xlf:your_field_key


'<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE:EXT:sf_register/Configuration/TypoScript/Fields.typoscript">'

TypoScript Setup:

<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE:EXT:sf_register/Configuration/TypoScript/Fields.typoscript">

By using the same fields file both in typoscript as well as in user ts config. No additional configuration is needed.

In your partials there are the following informations available

  • {user} the user object with previous entered values
  • {fieldName} the name of the field in the user object
  • {options} every value that is inside of the field config {partial, backendLabel, etc}
  • {settings} the general plugin settings

Adding custom properties

Since late the frontend user domain model can be extended. This can be done the extension ‘extender’ which sole purpose is to extend extbase domain models. There is an example on how to use the extender.

If you run into problems extending please be aware that the only solution supported is by the use of ‘extender’.

In this example its noteworthy that the last array key is not required but adviced.

The path to the file matches extension key and extbase compatible path to the domain model.

For highlighting purpose its adviced to let the domain model extend from \Evoweb\SfRegister\Domain\Model\FrontendUser


$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['sf_register']['extender']['FrontendUser']['sfregister_extended'] =

Beside extending the domain model with property and get-/set-method a field needs to be created for sql and registered in TCA.


# Table structure for table 'fe_users'
CREATE TABLE fe_users (
        extending varchar(60) DEFAULT '',


$temporaryColumns = array(
        'extending' => array(
                'exclude' => 1,
                'label' => 'extending',
                'config' => array(
                        'type' => 'input',
                        'readOnly' => TRUE,

t3lib_extMgm::addTCAcolumns('fe_users', $temporaryColumns, 1);
t3lib_extMgm::addToAllTCAtypes('fe_users', 'extending');

Bring in your own captcha

By implementing a adapter which is extending the \Evoweb\SfRegister\Services\Captcha\AbstractAdapter you are able to add an own captcha. The adapter now then has to be configured to be usable by adding typoscript settings like the following taken from recaptcha:


plugin.tx_sfregister.settings {
   # register recaptcha as captcha possibility
   captcha.recaptcha = Evoweb\Recaptcha\Adapter\SfRegisterAdapter

   fields {
      configuration {
         # change captcha field type to recaptcha
         captcha.type = Recaptcha

   validation.create {
      # tell validation to use recaptcha adapter
      captcha = Evoweb\SfRegister\Validation\Validator\CaptchaValidator(type = recaptcha)

Hooks / Signal-Slot-Dispatcher

Because of signal-slot-dispatcher are the new hotness all hooks got replaced with the call of this dispatcher. Well its not really this simple, but as signal-slot-dispatcher are the extbase way of giving the opportunity to have some custom methods called at a certain process, this will be the way to go in the future. Beside of obeying this paradigm there are a lot more dispatcher call spread across the different tasks.

How to implement a slot

As the different tasks emits signals there could be slots that fulfill them. To have your own slots please understand how slots work. After you read that introduction, here is a short example:


/** @var \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\SignalSlot\Dispatcher $signalSlotDispatcher */
$signalSlotDispatcher = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManager::class)

The code above show how to get an instance of the signal slot dispatcher and then connect a slot for form action in the frontend user create controller to your own slot with ExampleClassName and ExampleMethodName. Its possible to have a optional fifth parameter that hands the information about the calling signal to the slot. This would be useful if you want to handle multiple signals with only one defined slot. Although this is possible it’s also highly discourage, because the scope is lost to easily.

Available signals

All classnames need to be fully qualified. So please prefix all controllers with Evoweb\SfRegister\Controller\ and all services with Evoweb\SfRegister\Services\

Class Method Parameter
FeuserCreateController formAction user, settings
FeuserCreateController previewAction user, settings
FeuserCreateController saveAction user, settings
FeuserCreateController confirmAction user, settings
FeuserCreateController refuseAction user, settings
FeuserCreateController acceptAction user, settings
FeuserCreateController declineAction user, settings
Class Method Parameter
FeuserEditController formAction user, settings
FeuserEditController previewAction user, settings
FeuserEditController saveAction user, settings
FeuserEditController confirmAction user, settings
FeuserEditController acceptAction user, settings
Class Method Parameter
FeuserPasswordController formAction settings
FeuserPasswordController saveAction settings
Class Method Parameter
ServicesLogin initFEuser frontend
ServicesMail sendAdminNotificationPostCreateSavePostSend result, arguments[mail, user, settings, objectManager]