
Version 5.2.0: Refactored with the rector-tool. setup.txt and constants.txt renamed to .typoscript.

Version 5.1.0/2: New tool: show where missing files are used. Bugfix: show meta-data again in "Show images without title- or alt-text".

Version 5.0.0: Version for TYPO3 12 LTS.

Version 4.3.0/1: More infos and search in tx_gridelements_backend_layout. Bugfix (for PHP 8).

Version 4.2.0: New tool: shows you where (backend) layouts are in use. 4 dashboard widgets added. Bugfix for PHP 8.

Version 4.1.0: New tool: show recently modified pages and content elements. Layout adapted to TYPO3 11. Runs now with PHP 8.1 too. Checking of start- and endtime added.

Version 4.0: Now for TYPO3 10 and 11. Breaking: action realurl removed.

Version 3.0: List views: search in the rootline and selectbox in the extension-list added. Extension-key added to composer.json. Breaking: action unzip removed.

Version 2.1.0: Redirects check tool added. misc field added in the list of used extensions. Bugfix: Redirects import.

Version 2.0.6: Order by added to the extension list view. Bugfix: use translated values when L>0. Bugfix: edit page links when L>0. Bugfix: domain + language configuration. Bugfix: icons for TYPO3 10.

Version 2.0: Refactoring: large modification of the queries. FE-links: domain + language entry point added, L removed. Link added to all page-titles + the csv-view.