

First release for the TER.


Now optimized for Bootstrap 4. New settings: showAnswersAtFinalPage and template.


Now polls possible, because all submited results are avaiable. New settings: showOwnAnswers, showAllAnswers, templateLayout...


Now for TYPO3 8 and 9. Backend module added. Charts added. Deletion-task changed: delete-flag and real deletion now possible. Lazy loading removed, because delete cascade does not work with lazy loading. New settings: showPageNo and showQuestionNo.


Donut chart added. Session-token added to prevent reload-manipulations. New settings: user.useCookie.


Text-answer now possible. Thanks to Gerald Loss. New settings: user.checkFEuser. Bug fixed: anonymous IP address.


Question mode "Show a comment" and "Star rating" implemented.


Question mode "Enter a comment (textarea)" implemented. New settings: checkAllStars. Sending of emails now possible. Using of FE-user-data, if user.checkFEuser is set. Dropped support for TYPO3 8. Now for TYPO3 9 and 10.


New feature: 50:50 joker. Page layout view / preview in the backend. Bugfix: summation of points works now with negative points too. Bugfix: FlexForms in TYPO3 10. Bugfix: hidden-fields in the backend.


New setting: ajaxType. New setting: email.likeFinalPage. New settings: showEveryAnswer and option 2 for showOwnAnswers and showCorrectAnswers. Bugfix: sending of emails.


New setting: resultPageUid and new action: result for a result page. Possibility added to add a question to a quiz via backend module. Question mode "Yes/no-boxes (2 radio-buttons)" implemented. Important bugfix for PHP 7.3 and other bugfixes points related.


Bodytext and image added to the evaluation. Routing/slug/path segment added to a quiz. Categories added to a quiz. Layout of yes/no-questions changed. New settings: setMetatags. Sorting of selected answers of a participant: using now an array instead of an object. Another bugfix points related. See issues #12 - #18.


The ajax-action gets now the quiz-object. Media-field added to a quiz. Default value of the setting showAnswersAtFinalPage and showAllAnswers changed from 0 to 1. Default value of the setting showOwnAnswers changed from 1 to 2. Default value of startPageUid removed! Setting showPageUid added. Shows now the points only if the maximum points are greater than 0. jQuery can now be loaded in the footer. Important: probably you need to flush all caches.


Highscore action added. Explanation added to the result action/view. Completed-field added: final page reached? Deutsche Übersetzungen. Bugfix for TYPO3 10. Important: probably you need to flush all caches.


showByTag action added. Tag for a question added. intro action and settings introContentUid, introNextAction added. Showing all answers of a text-answer in the chart in the backend. Showing the start and end time in the backend. A time period can be defined for a quiz and/or a tag. TCA-Bugfix for TYPO3 10. Refactoring.


Version for TYPO3 10 and 11. closure action and setting closurePageUid added. Default-value for setting ajaxType changed from POST to GET. Language of a participant and his answers changed from 0 to -1. Breaking: myquizpoll-import-task removed.


Setting user.useQuizPid, noFormCheck, random and allowEdit added. Possibility added to move questions from one quiz to another quiz. More Flexforms.


Bugfix for breaking change in TYPO3 11.5.0.


Every question can now be set to be optional. Setting template.optionalMark added. The answer of text-fields is now checked too (it is no longer optional, but can be set to optional). The RatingStar.css will now be included by the viewhelper f:asset in the template itself. Use includeRatingCSS=0 to disable it. Setting template.col12 added for questions without an image. Div with class card-body added to all cards. Variable participant.username added.


Backend-Layout adapted for TYPO3 11.5. Evaluation of the most used category is now possible too. Setting showDetailedCategoryEvaluation added. TYPO3 categories are now available at a quiz, question, answer, selected and evaluation. Mandatory questions are now marked when an error appears. The error message is now not a JavaScript-alert-message. 2 widgets for the TYPO3 dashboard added (the extension dashboard is required in TYPO3 11). Supports now PHP 8; thanks to Gerald Loss. Bugfix: moving participant data to another folder. Bugfix: check of checkboxes fixed.


The answer of textarea-fields is now checked too (it is no longer optional, but can be set to optional). CSV-export added as scheduler task. Dashboard no longer required in TYPO3 11. Layout optimizations.


Bugfix: persist data before evaluation. Bugfix: category evaluation. Bugfix: wrong Namespace in TemplateLayout corrected.


Mandatory check with PHP too, if setting phpFormCheck=1. New question mode: matrix with categories of a question.


Security fix: checking participant against a session-key. Please read the section Administrator / Security fix in version 3.5.2. Security fix: check if a quiz/poll is allowed on a page. Therefore, the defaultQuizUid was removed in the settings!


Replaced invocation of PersistenceManager with DI #46. Reformatting source code and PHP 8 bugfix. Bugfix: optional checkbox was not clickable.


Tabs introduced to a quiz entry in the backend. Questions and evaluations are now collapsed. Setting closed added: participation is than not possible. Type added to a quiz-entry. Bugfix sending emails and adminEmail can now contain more email-addresses and in debug mode the email-content will be prompted. Bugfix for other languages than 0 and PHP 8 bugfix.


Closed-checkbox added to a quiz too. Using a target-action at the list-view. New FE-layout for results: detailed table-list. Bugfix: do not ignore changed user-data in edit mode.