
Version 0.9.8: German documentation added.

Version 0.9.9: Unsubscribe link added to the manual.

Version 0.9.11: Status 6 added.

Version 0.10.0: Important change: plugin.tx_fpnewsletter_pi1 renamed to plugin.tx_fpnewsletter, because otherwise empty TS-values overwrite given FlexForm-values. New action: subscribeExt for newsletter subscription via other extensions. Bugfix: partial-path.

Version 0.10.2: Links in the email-templates changed. Bugfix: text-email was missing.

Version 0.11.0: Links in the email-templates works now with TYPO3 8 too. Empty FlexForms will now be overwritten by TypoScript.

Version 0.12.0: now double opt out possible. More FlexForms.

Version 0.13.0: italian translation added. First version for TYPO3 9 (runs only if typo3db_legacy is installed).

Version 0.14.0: composer-file added. Email to an admin now possible. One bug fixed: email-check.

Version 0.15.0: gender divers added. Switch to the QueryBuilder. reCaptcha v3 implemented (optional).

Version 0.16.0: f:format.raw added to text-links. Setting module_sys_dmail_category added. Address-object in verify-actions now available. TS optionalFieldsRequired added. required-attribute added.

Version 0.17.0: new TypoScript setting: email.adminMailBeforeVerification Email to admin now before or after verification. Default status changed! Email to admin only in one language. Very last $GLOBALS[‘TYPO3_DB’] replaced.

Version 0.18.0: optional mathematical captcha added. Set sys_language_uid=-1 if l>0. The categories are stored now in the log-entry too. More optional fields: address, zip, city, region, country, phone, mobile, fax, www, position, company.

Version: 1.0.0: possibility added, to delete old log-entries via a task. Important change: redirect to the new- or unsubscribe-action on email-format- or captcha-errors. Bugfix: you can use now reCAPTCHA und mathCAPTCHA together.