
What does it do?

The extension fp_newsletter is designed to provide a newsletter subscription and unsubscription service for the table tt_address or fe_users which can be used by the extension direct_mail or luxletter. Furthermore it is designed to be compatible with the GDPR. A log is written about (every) action in a separate table. Old log entries can be deleted by a scheduler task. Note: there are more TypoScript-settings than FlexForm-settings. But the extension can be used without tt_address/fe_users too. Therefore an admin-email-address can be specified. The admin will then get an email with the subscription data. Google reCaptcha v3 or a mathematical captcha can be enabled too. There is a widget for the dashboard available. Available languages: english, german/deutsch, french/français and italian/italiano. The standard language is german, but english texts are also available.


This extension is not designed for multiple newsletter-categories! It is possible to subscribe to more than one category, but it is not possible to unsubscribe only from a specific category (at the unsubscribe-form). The whole user will be deleted at an unsubscription so it is not possible to unsubscribe only from category/newsletter X. But from version 4.1.0 it is possible to edit an newsletter subscription!


One example view of a frontend page:

Frontend page

Subscription form.

Thanks to ...

Thanks to the fixpunkt für digitales GmbH, Bonn for giving me the possibility to realize this extension and share it with the TYPO3 community.