Roundtrip mode

Sooner or later you get to the point where you need to add or rename domain objects, but already changed code of the originally created files. At this point the roundtrip mode is needed. It aims to preserve your manual changes while applying the new domain model configuration:

Editing an existing extension

The roundtrip mode is enabled by default. To disable it, see the Extension Builder configuration Configuration.

The general rule is: All configurations that can be edited in the graphical editor should be applied in the graphical editor. For example, if your extension depends on another extension, you should add it in the properties form of the graphical editor and not directly in the ext_emconf.php and composer.json.

Make sure you configure the Overwrite settings.

Overview of the roundtrip features

Consequences of various actions:

If you change the extension key:

  • the extension will be copied to a folder named like the new extension key
  • all classes and tables are renamed
  • your code should be adapted to the new names (not just overridden with the default code)

Changing the vendor name is not yet supported.

If you rename a property:

  • the corresponding class property is renamed
  • the corresponding getter and setter methods are updated
  • TCA files and SQL definitions are newly generated, modifications will be LOST
  • existing data in the corresponding table field will be LOST, except you RENAME the field in the database manually

If you rename a relation property:

  • the corresponding class property is renamed
  • the corresponding getter/setter or add/remove methods are updated
  • the new SQL definition and default TCA configuration will be generated
  • existing data in the corresponding table field will be LOST, except you RENAME the field in the database manually
  • existing data in many-to-many database tables will be LOST, except you RENAME the table manually

If you change a property type:

  • the var type doc comment tags are updated
  • the type hint for the parameter in getter and setter methods are updated
  • the SQL type is updated if necessary
  • existing data in the corresponding table field might get LOST, except you ALTER the field type in the database manually

If you change a relation type:

  • if you switch the type from 1:1 to 1:n or n:m or vice versa the getter/setter or add/remove methods will be lost (!)
  • the required new getter/setter/ or add/remove methods are generated with the default method body
  • existing data in many-to-many database tables will be LOST, except you RENAME the table manually

If you rename a domain object:

  • the corresponding classes (domain object, controller, repository) will be renamed
  • all methods, properties and constants are preserved
  • relations to this domain object are updated
  • references to the renamed classes in OTHER classes are NOT updated (!)
  • TCA files and SQL definitions are new generated, modifications will be LOST