
To install and configure the headless extension, follow these detailed steps. First, ensure TYPO3 is installed and running (refer to TYPO3 Upgrade Guide for the standard TYPO3 installation process). Once TYPO3 is operational, proceed with the following steps to install the headless extension:

  1. Install and activate the extension: - Using Composer (recommended): Run the following command in your terminal: `` composer require friendsoftypo3/headless ` - Alternatively, use the Extension Manager with the extension key headless`.
  2. Create a new root page: - This page will serve as the JSON API endpoint for your application. - Open the TYPO3 backend, navigate to the page tree, and create a new page at the root level. Name this page appropriately (e.g., "API Root").

    Root page for the API endpoint
  3. Create a new root template: - In the TYPO3 backend, go to Site Management > TypoScript (or Web > Template for versions prior to v12). - Add the headless static template by including it in the "Include static (from extensions)" section. - Save your changes. You should now be able to see the JSON output when displaying the page.
  4. Create a site configuration: - The site configuration is essential as it defines the URL that will serve as the API endpoint for the frontend application. - In TYPO3 v10 and above, an autogenerated site configuration may already exist. You can rename and configure this site to suit your needs.