
Properties of each class available in the RTE.

classes.[ classname ]


classes.[ classname ]


Defines the classes available in the RTE. classname is the actual name of the style-class you are configuring. Notice you must specifically assign the classes to the various facilities also. See later.


.name = label of the class (may be a reference to an entry in a localization file of the form LLL:EXT:[fileref]:[labelkey])
.value = the style for the class
.noShow = boolean; if set, the style of the class is not used to render it in the pop-up selector.
.selectable = boolean; if set to 0, the class is not selectable in the style selectors;
            if the property is omitted, or set to 1, the class is selectable in the style selectors.
.requires = list of class names; list of classes that are required by the class;
            if this property, in combination with others, produces a circular relationship, it is ignored;
            when a class is added on an element, the classes it requires are also added, possibly recursively;
            when a class is removed from an element, any non-selectable class that is not required by any of the classes remaining on the element is also removed.

# specification of alternating classes for rows and/or columns of a table
.alternating {
    rows {
        startAt = int+ (default = 1)
        oddClass = class-name
        evenClass = class-name
        oddHeaderClass = class-name
        evenHeaderClass = class-name
    columns {
        startAt = int+ (default = 1)
        oddClass = class-name
        evenClass = class-name
        oddHeaderClass = class-name
        evenHeaderClass = class-name

# specification of counting classes for rows and/or columns of a table
.counting {
        rows {
                startAt = int (default = 1)
                rowClass = class-name (should not be a substring of other class names)
                rowLastClass = class-name
                rowHeaderClass = class-name (should not be a substring of other class names)
                rowHeaderLastClass = class-name
        columns {
                startAt = int (default = 1)
                columnClass = class-name(should not be a substring of other class names)
                columnLastClass = class-name
                columnHeaderClass = class-name(should not be a substring of other class names)
                columnHeaderLastClass = class-name


# Hidding an allowed class in the class selector dropped downlist
RTE.classes.class-name.value = display: none;


# Configuration of an alternating and counting class
RTE.classes.countingtable {
        name = Counting class
        alternating {
                rows {
                        startAt = 1
                        oddClass = tr-odd
                        evenClass = tr-even
                        oddHeaderClass = thead-odd
                        evenHeaderClass = thead-even
                columns {
                        startAt = 1
                        oddClass = td-odd
                        evenClass = td-even
                        oddHeaderClass = th-odd
                        evenHeaderClass = th-even
        counting {
                rows {
                        startAt = 1
                        rowClass = tr-count-
                        rowLastClass = tr-last
                        rowHeaderClass = thead-count-
                        rowHeaderLastClass = thead-last
                columns {
                        startAt = 1
                        columnClass = td-count-
                        columnLastClass = td-last
                        columnHeaderClass = th-count-
                        columnHeaderLastClass = th-last


# Hidding an allowed counting class in the class selector dropped downlist
# Note the ending hyphen « - »
# The class name string should be as specified in the counting property
RTE.classes.counting-class-name-.value = display: none;
