
The LinkHandler can be configured to create links to the detail view of tt_address records. If configured editing users can use the LinkBrowser in the rich-text-editor and link fields to link to the detail page of any address record.

Configuration for the backend

Page TSconfig is used to configure the link browser in the backend. See Setting page TSconfig.

For all available options see LinkHandler page TSconfig options.

TCEMAIN.linkHandler {
    # my_address is an identifier, do not change it after links have been created
    my_address {
        handler = TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\LinkHandler\RecordLinkHandler
        label = Contact
        configuration {
            table = tt_address
            # This storage pid is pre-selected by default
            storagePid = 42
            # Only these folders and their subfolders are displayed in the pagetree
            pageTreeMountPoints = 42, 43, 88
            hidePageTree = 0
        scanAfter = page
        displayBefore = file

Configuration for the frontend

The links are now stored in the database with the syntax <a href="t3://record?identifier=tt_address&amp;uid=456">A link</a>. By using TypoScript, these pseudo link is transformed into an actual link.

See The LinkHandler API.

config.recordLinks {
    # Use the same identifier as was used in :typoscript:`TCEMAIN.linkHandler`
    my_address {
        typolink {
            # Detail page uid
            parameter = 192
   = field:uid
            additionalParams.wrap = &tx_ttaddress_listview[action]=show&tx_ttaddress_listview[address]=|&tx_ttaddress_listview[controller]=Address