A demand is a configuration object used by the repository to decide which news records should be fetched.
The default demand class implementation for the frontend output of news
is \Georg
. It has a couple of
useful properties that can be used to filter news records, for example
, $search
, $author
and many more.
There is also the property $custom
an array of custom settings
by extensions. You should use your extension name as key in this array.
Demand objects can be changed in a couple of ways, see below:
URL Parameter
The URL parameter overwrite
can be used to override properties
of the demand.
You can set this parameter in a Fluid link (see Set overwriteDemand in Frontend) or via TypoScript in a typolink (See TypoScript reference: typolink).
It would even be possible to configure a LinkHandler for this parameter.
The checkbox Disable override demand in the list plugin (Tab Additional) must not be set to allow overriding the properties.
Additionally the TypoScript setting
settings.disableOverrideDemand must be set to
Via TypoScript
TypoScript can be used to define a class containing a custom implementation of the demand object. This can be achieved by the TypoScript setting settings.demandClass.
Custom controllers
The demand object can be used in a custom controller used in an extension extending EXT:news. Read more about using a demand object in a custom controller: Extension based on EXT:news: FilterController.php.
Several hooks can be used to influence the demand object and its usage.
Hook findDemanded
The hook find
is very
powerful. It allows to modify the query used to fetch the news records depending
on values set in the demand object. You can find an example of how to use it in
the chapter Hooks: Example findDemanded.
Hook createDemandObjectFromSettings
The hook create
can be used to influence the settings of the demand object as it is used in
most standard actions in the News
, such as the
, selected
and detail
This hook can be used to insert settings from custom TypoScript or custom FlexForm configuration into the demand object. (See also Extend FlexForms)
Multiple events can change or use demand objects. For example the events of
the main actions in the News
, for example
and News
. For more
information refer to the chapter Events.
Custom demand class
All custom frontend news demand classes must extend
. The demand object is
a simple configuration object. It should contain no business logic. For each
property there must be a setter and a getter.
namespace Vendor\MyNews\Domain\Model\Dto;
use \GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Dto\NewsDemand;
class MyNewsDemand extends NewsDemand {
* @var string
protected $myCustomField = '';
* Set myCustomField
* @param string $myCustomField
* @return NewsDemand
public function setMyCustomField(string $myCustomField): NewsDemand
$this->myCustomField = $myCustomField;
return $this;
* Get myCustomField
* @return string
public function getMyCustomField(): string
return $this->myCustomField;