
This section covers all configurations which can be set with TsConfig. Every configuration starts with tx_news..


Just for clarification: TsConfig is in TYPO3 only used for configurations inside the backend!

General configuration

The general configuration covers options available during the creation and editing of news records.



The selectbox “Template Layout” inside a plugin can be easily be extended by using TsConfig

tx_news.templateLayouts {
                1 = Fobar
                2 = Another one
                3 =  --div--,Group 2
                4 = Blub

will show 2 layout options with 123/456 as keys and Fobar/Blub as values. Inside the template it is then possible to define conditions with fluid by checking {settings.templateLayout}

By using the configuration allowedColPos it is possible to restrict a template layout to a specific list of colPos values.

tx_news.templateLayouts {
   1 = Fobar
   2 = Another one
   2.allowedColPos = 1,2,3
   3 =  --div--,Group 2
   4 = Blub
   4.allowedColPos = 0,1


Use strtotime (see http://www.php.net/strtotime ) to predefine the archive date

# Example:
tx_news.predefine.archive = next friday

will set the archive date on the the next friday.


Besides the configuration in the Extension Manager it is also possible to define the pid of tags created directly in the news record by Using TsConfig:

# Example:
tx_news.tagPid = 123


After defining the category restriction in the Extension Manager it is also possible to restrict the categories in the news plugin. This needs to enabled by TsConfig:

# Example:
tx_news.categoryRestrictionForFlexForms = 1


If a sys folder is configured with Contains PLugin: News, content elements are hidden on those pages in the page and list module. If the content elements should be shown, use the PageTsConfig

# Example:
tx_news.showContentElementsInNewsSysFolder = 1

Administration module


Property Data type
preselect array
columns string
defaultPid integer
redirectToPageOnStart integer
allowedPage integer
alwaysShowFilter bool
filters array


Predefine the form in the administration module. The possible fields for the preselection are:

  • recursive
  • timeRestriction
  • topNewsRestriction
  • limit
  • offset
  • sortingField
  • sortingDirection
  • categoryConjunction
# Example:
tx_news.module {
        preselect {
                topNewsRestriction = 1


Define a list of columns which are displayed in the administration module. Default is teaser,istopnews,datetime,categories. Example:

tx_news.module.columns = datetime,archive,author


If no page is selected in the page tree, any record created in the administration module would be saved on the root page. If this is not desired, the pid can be defined by using defaultPid.<tablename>:

# Example
tx_news.module.defaultPid.tx_news_domain_model_news = 123

News records will be saved on page with ID 123.


Ability to disable the localizationView in the administration module. Default is 1. Example:

tx_news.module.localizationView = 0


If no page is selected, the user will be redirected to the given page.

# Example:
tx_news.module.redirectToPageOnStart = 456

The user will be redirected to the page with the uid 456.


If defined, the administration module will redirect the user always to the given page, no matter what defined in the page tree.

# Example:
tx_news.module.allowedPage = 123

The user will be redirected to the page with the uid 123.


If defined, the administration module will always show the filter opened.

# Example:
tx_news.module.alwaysShowFilter = 1

The user will be redirected to the page with the uid 123.


Define whether filters should be available or not. By default, all the filters are enabled. The available filters are:

  • searchWord
  • timeRestriction
  • topNewsRestriction
  • hidden
  • archived
  • sortingField
  • number
  • categories
  • categoryConjunction
  • includeSubCategories
# Example:
tx_news.module {
        filters {
                topNewsRestriction = 0


categoryConjunction and includeSubCategories can only be enabled when categories is enabled.

Additional Configuration

This section covers settings which influence the News Plugin


To remove a specific action from the News Plugin selectbox, use this snippet.

# Example:
TCEFORM.tt_content.pi_flexform.news_pi1.sDEF.switchableControllerActions.removeItems = Tag->list

The possible values for the switchableControllerActions are:

  • News->list
  • News->detail
  • News->dateMenu
  • News->searchForm
  • News->searchResult
  • Category->list
  • Tag->list