3.2.1 - 2015/07/13

This release is followup release of 3.2.1.

Important changes

The following changes might change the expected behaviour in your installation.

Change template configuration

The TypoScript to define the templates, partials and layouts changed a bit. With 0 now the default fallback is defined and the constants can be used to change the template to a desired value.

plugin.tx_news {
        mvc.callDefaultActionIfActionCantBeResolved = 1

        view {
                templateRootPaths {
                        0 = EXT:news/Resources/Private/Templates/
                        1 = {$plugin.tx_news.view.templateRootPath}
                partialRootPaths {
                        0 = EXT:news/Resources/Private/Partials/
                        1 = {$plugin.tx_news.view.partialRootPath}
                layoutRootPaths {
                        0 = EXT:news/Resources/Private/Layouts/
                        1 = {$plugin.tx_news.view.layoutRootPath}
                widget.GeorgRinger\News\ViewHelpers\Widget\PaginateViewHelper.templateRootPath = EXT:news/Resources/Private/Templates/

All Changes

This is a list of all changes in this release:

2015-07-13 [BUGFIX] Fix widget templates (Commit 3a2724f by Georg Ringer)
2015-07-13 [TASK] Adopt constants! (Commit 1a2233d by Georg Ringer)

This list has been created by using git log --since="2015/07/11" --abbrev-commit --pretty='%ad %s (Commit %h by %an)' --date=short.