8.4.1 - 25th September 2020

Bugfix release

Just a bugfix release

All Changes

This is a list of all changes in this release:

2020-09-25 [TASK] Drop DataMapper workaround for QueryInterface injection (Commit e82cff29 by Georg Ringer)
2020-09-25 Apply fixes from StyleCI (#1348) (Commit 91f2a266 by Georg Ringer)
2020-09-25 [BUGFIX] Fix failing test (Commit a34348c0 by Georg Ringer)
2020-09-25 [BUGFIX] Show sitemap_changefreq only for version 10. (Commit 757c306e by Georg Ringer)
2020-09-25 Apply fixes from StyleCI (#1346) (Commit 6cf21870 by Georg Ringer)
2020-09-25 [TASK] Remove self_accessor from styleci.yml (Commit 78ae4f7b by Georg Ringer)
2020-09-25 [TASK] Remove no_alias_functions from styleci.yml (Commit e269fd27 by Georg Ringer)
2020-09-25 [TASK] Remove unused property in test (Commit 30dffa9a by Georg Ringer)
2020-09-25 [BUGFIX] Remove wrong displayCond (Commit 20e98668 by Georg Ringer)
2020-09-21 [TASK] Use addToList for allowedNewTables (Commit 9f21abda by Georg Ringer)
2020-09-16 fasted ==> fastest (#1339) (Commit 0fbfadbd by Franz Holzinger)
2020-08-28 Add missing page key to config section (#1329) (Commit 868701f1 by Martin Hummer)

This list has been created by using git log $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..HEAD --abbrev-commit --pretty='%ad %s (Commit %h by %an)' --date=short.